

Next.js 提供了创建灵活的全栈 Web 应用的构建块。构建应用中的指南解释了如何使用这些功能以及如何自定义应用的行为。

¥Next.js provides the building blocks to create flexible, full-stack web applications. The guides in Building Your Application explain how to use these features and how to customize your application's behavior.

这些部分和页面按从基础到高级的顺序组织,因此你可以在构建 Next.js 应用时逐步遵循它们。但是,你可以按任何顺序阅读它们或跳至适用于你的用例的页面。

¥The sections and pages are organized sequentially, from basic to advanced, so you can follow them step-by-step when building your Next.js application. However, you can read them in any order or skip to the pages that apply to your use case.

如果你是 Next.js 的新手,我们建议你从 路由渲染数据获取样式 部分开始,因为它们介绍了基本的 Next.js 和 Web 概念来帮助你入门。然后,你可以更深入地研究其他部分,例如 优化配置。最后,准备好后,请查看 部署升级 部分。

¥If you're new to Next.js, we recommend starting with the Routing, Rendering, Data Fetching and Styling sections, as they introduce the fundamental Next.js and web concepts to help you get started. Then, you can dive deeper into the other sections such as Optimizing and Configuring. Finally, once you're ready, checkout the Deploying and Upgrading sections.