Next.js CLI
Next.js CLI 允许你开发、构建、启动应用等等。
¥The Next.js CLI allows you to develop, build, start your application, and more.
要获取可用 CLI 命令的列表,请在项目目录中运行以下命令:
¥To get a list of the available CLI commands, run the following command inside your project directory:
next -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage next [options] [command]
The Next.js CLI allows you to develop, build, start your application, and more.
-v, --version Outputs the Next.js version.
-h, --help Displays this message.
build [directory] [options] Creates an optimized production build of your application.
The output displays information about each route.
dev [directory] [options] Starts Next.js in development mode with hot-code reloading,
error reporting, and more.
info [options] Prints relevant details about the current system which can be
used to report Next.js bugs.
lint [directory] [options] Runs ESLint for all files in the `/src`, `/app`, `/pages`,
`/components`, and `/lib` directories. It also provides a
guided setup to install any required dependencies if ESLint
is not already configured in your application.
start [directory] [options] Starts Next.js in production mode. The application should be
compiled with `next build` first.
telemetry [options] Allows you to enable or disable Next.js' completely
anonymous telemetry collection.
你可以传递任何 节点参数 到 next
¥You can pass any node arguments to next
NODE_OPTIONS='--throw-deprecation' next
NODE_OPTIONS='-r esm' next
NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect' next
与运行next dev
相同¥Good to know: Running
without a command is the same as runningnext dev
next dev
¥next dev
starts the application in development mode with hot-code reloading, error reporting, and more.
要获取 next dev
¥To get a list of the available options with next dev
, run the following command inside your project directory:
next dev -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next dev [directory] [options]
Starts Next.js in development mode with hot-code reloading, error reporting, and more.
[directory] A directory on which to build the application.
If no directory is provided, the current
directory will be used.
--turbo Starts development mode using Turbopack (beta).
-p, --port <port> Specify a port number on which to start the
application. (default: 3000, env: PORT)
-H, --hostname <hostname> Specify a hostname on which to start the
application (default:
--experimental-https Starts the server with HTTPS and generates a
self-signed certificate.
--experimental-https-key, <path> Path to a HTTPS key file.
--experimental-https-cert, <path> Path to a HTTPS certificate file.
--experimental-https-ca, <path> Path to a HTTPS certificate authority file.
--experimental-upload-trace, <traceUrl> Reports a subset of the debugging trace to a
remote HTTP URL. Includes sensitive data.
-h, --help Displays this message.
默认情况下,应用将在 http://localhost:3000
启动。可以使用 -p
¥The application will start at http://localhost:3000
by default. The default port can be changed with -p
, like so:
next dev -p 4000
或者使用 PORT
¥Or using the PORT
environment variable:
PORT=4000 next dev
¥Good to know:
中设置,因为 HTTP 服务器的启动发生在任何其他代码初始化之前。¥
cannot be set in.env
as booting up the HTTP server happens before any other code is initialized.如果未使用 CLI 选项
环境变量指定端口,Next.js 将自动重试另一个端口,直到端口可用。¥Next.js will automatically retry with another port until a port is available if a port is not specified with the CLI option
or thePORT
environment variable.
,这对于使应用可用于网络上的其他设备非常有用。可以使用 -H
¥You can also set the hostname to be different from the default of
, this can be useful for making the application available for other devices on the network. The default hostname can be changed with -H
, like so:
next dev -H
Turbopack(测试版)是我们的新打包器,正在 Next.js 中进行测试和稳定,有助于在处理应用时加快本地迭代速度。
¥Turbopack (beta), our new bundler, which is being tested and stabilized in Next.js, helps speed up local iterations while working on your application.
要在开发模式下使用 Turbopack,请添加 --turbo
¥To use Turbopack in development mode, add the --turbo
next dev --turbo
用于本地开发的 HTTPS
¥HTTPS for Local Development
对于某些用例(例如 Webhook 或身份验证),可能需要使用 HTTPS 在 localhost
上拥有安全的环境。Next.js 可以生成带有 next dev
¥For certain use cases like webhooks or authentication, it may be required to use HTTPS to have a secure environment on localhost
. Next.js can generate a self-signed certificate with next dev
as follows:
next dev --experimental-https
你还可以使用 --experimental-https-key
和 --experimental-https-cert
提供自定义证书和密钥。或者,你也可以提供带有 --experimental-https-ca
的自定义 CA 证书。
¥You can also provide a custom certificate and key with --experimental-https-key
and --experimental-https-cert
. Optionally, you can provide a custom CA certificate with --experimental-https-ca
as well.
next dev --experimental-https --experimental-https-key ./certificates/localhost-key.pem --experimental-https-cert ./certificates/localhost.pem
next dev --experimental-https
仅用于开发,并与 mkcert
创建本地信任的证书。在生产中,使用由受信任的机构正确颁发的证书。部署到 Vercel 时,Next.js 应用的 HTTPS 为 自动配置。
¥next dev --experimental-https
is only intended for development and creates a locally-trusted certificate with mkcert
. In production, use properly issued certificates from trusted authorities. When deploying to Vercel, HTTPS is automatically configured for your Next.js application.
next build
¥next build
creates an optimized production build of your application. The output displays information about each route:
Route (app) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 5.3 kB 89.5 kB
├ ○ /_not-found 885 B 85.1 kB
└ ○ /about 137 B 84.4 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 84.2 kB
├ chunks/184-d3bb186aac44da98.js 28.9 kB
├ chunks/30b509c0-f3503c24f98f3936.js 53.4 kB
└ other shared chunks (total)
○ (Static) prerendered as static content
¥Size: The number of assets downloaded when navigating to the page client-side. The size for each route only includes its dependencies.
首先加载 JS:从服务器访问页面时下载的资源数量。所有人共享的 JS 数量显示为单独的指标。
¥First Load JS: The number of assets downloaded when visiting the page from the server. The amount of JS shared by all is shown as a separate metric.
这两个值都是 使用 gzip 压缩。第一个负载用绿色、黄色或红色表示。致力于实现高性能应用的绿色化。
¥Both of these values are compressed with gzip. The first load is indicated by green, yellow, or red. Aim for green for performant applications.
要获取 next build
¥To get a list of the available options with next build
, run the following command inside your project directory:
next build -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next build [directory] [options]
Creates an optimized production build of your application. The output displays information
about each route.
[directory] A directory on which to build the application. If no
provided, the current directory will be
-d, --debug Enables a more verbose build output.
--profile Enables production profiling for React.
--no-lint Disables linting.
--no-mangling Disables mangling.
--experimental-app-only Builds only App Router routes.
--experimental-build-mode [mode] Uses an experimental build mode. (choices: "compile"
"generate", default: "default")
-h, --help Displays this message.
你可以使用 next build
中的 --debug
¥You can enable more verbose build output with the --debug
flag in next build
next build --debug
¥With this flag enabled additional build output like rewrites, redirects, and headers will be shown.
你可以像这样禁用构建的 linting:
¥You can disable linting for builds like so:
next build --no-lint
你可以像这样禁用 mangling 构建:
¥You can disable mangling for builds like so:
next build --no-mangling
¥Good to know: This may affect performance and should only be used for debugging purposes.
你可以使用 next build
中的 --profile
标志为 React 启用生产分析。
¥You can enable production profiling for React with the --profile
flag in next build
next build --profile
¥After that, you can use the profiler in the same way as you would in development.
next start
在生产模式下启动应用。应用应首先使用 next build
¥next start
starts the application in production mode. The application should be compiled with next build
要获取 next start
¥To get a list of the available options with next start
, run the follow command inside your project directory:
next start -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next start [directory] [options]
Starts Next.js in production mode. The application should be compiled with `next build`
[directory] A directory on which to start the application.
If not directory is provided, the current
directory will be used.
-p, --port <port> Specify a port number on which to start the
application. (default: 3000, env: PORT)
-H, --hostname <hostname> Specify a hostname on which to start the
application (default:
--keepAliveTimeout <keepAliveTimeout> Specify the maximum amount of milliseconds to wait
before closing the inactive connections.
-h, --help Displays this message.
默认情况下,应用将在 http://localhost:3000
启动。可以使用 -p
¥The application will start at http://localhost:3000
by default. The default port can be changed with -p
, like so:
next start -p 4000
或者使用 PORT
¥Or using the PORT
environment variable:
PORT=4000 next start
¥Good to know:
中设置,因为 HTTP 服务器的启动发生在任何其他代码初始化之前。¥
cannot be set in.env
as booting up the HTTP server happens before any other code is initialized.
next start
不能与output: 'standalone'
或output: 'export'
next start
cannot be used withoutput: 'standalone'
oroutput: 'export'
¥Keep Alive Timeout
在下游代理(例如 AWS ELB/ALB 等负载均衡器)后面部署 Next.js 时,使用大于下游代理超时的 保持活动超时 配置 Next 的底层 HTTP 服务器非常重要。否则,一旦给定 TCP 连接达到保持活动超时,Node.js 将立即终止该连接,而不通知下游代理。每当尝试重用 Node.js 已终止的连接时,这都会导致代理错误。
¥When deploying Next.js behind a downstream proxy (e.g. a load-balancer like AWS ELB/ALB) it's important to configure Next's underlying HTTP server with keep-alive timeouts that are larger than the downstream proxy's timeouts. Otherwise, once a keep-alive timeout is reached for a given TCP connection, Node.js will immediately terminate that connection without notifying the downstream proxy. This results in a proxy error whenever it attempts to reuse a connection that Node.js has already terminated.
要配置生产 Next.js 服务器的超时值,请将 --keepAliveTimeout
(以毫秒为单位)传递给 next start
¥To configure the timeout values for the production Next.js server, pass --keepAliveTimeout
(in milliseconds) to next start
, like so:
next start --keepAliveTimeout 70000
next info
打印有关当前系统的相关详细信息,可用于报告 Next.js 错误。此信息包括操作系统平台/架构/版本、二进制文件(Node.js、npm、Yarn、pnpm)和 npm 包版本(next
¥next info
prints relevant details about the current system which can be used to report Next.js bugs.
This information includes Operating System platform/arch/version, Binaries (Node.js, npm, Yarn, pnpm) and npm package versions (next
, react
, react-dom
要获取 next info
¥To get a list of the available options with next info
, run the following command inside your project directory:
next info -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next info [options]
Prints relevant details about the current system which can be used to report Next.js bugs.
--verbose Collections additional information for debugging.
-h, --help Displays this message.
运行 next info
¥Running next info
will give you information like this example:
Operating System:
Platform: linux
Arch: x64
Version: #22-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 13:21:36 UTC 2021
Available memory (MB): 31795
Available CPU cores: 16
Node: 16.13.0
npm: 8.1.0
Yarn: 1.22.17
pnpm: 6.24.2
Relevant Packages:
next: 14.1.1-canary.61 // Latest available version is detected (14.1.1-canary.61).
react: 18.2.0
react-dom: 18.2.0
Next.js Config:
output: N/A
然后应将此信息粘贴到 GitHub Issues 中。
¥This information should then be pasted into GitHub Issues.
你还可以运行 next info --verbose
,它将打印有关系统以及与 next
¥You can also run next info --verbose
which will print additional information about the system and the installation of packages related to next
next lint
对 pages/
和 src/
目录中的所有文件运行 ESLint。如果你的应用中尚未配置 ESLint,它还提供指导安装来安装任何所需的依赖。
¥next lint
runs ESLint for all files in the pages/
, app/
, components/
, lib/
, and src/
directories. It also
provides a guided setup to install any required dependencies if ESLint is not already configured in
your application.
要获取 next lint
¥To get a list of the available options with next lint
, run the following command inside your project directory:
next lint -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next lint [directory] [options]
Runs ESLint for all files in the `/src`, `/app`, `/pages`, `/components`, and `/lib` directories. It also
provides a guided setup to install any required dependencies if ESLint is not already configured in your
[directory] A base directory on which to lint the application.
If no directory is provided, the current directory
will be used.
-d, --dir, <dirs...> Include directory, or directories, to run ESLint.
--file, <files...> Include file, or files, to run ESLint.
--ext, [exts...] Specify JavaScript file extensions. (default:
[".js", ".mjs", ".cjs", ".jsx", ".ts", ".mts", ".cts", ".tsx"])
-c, --config, <config> Uses this configuration file, overriding all other
configuration options.
--resolve-plugins-relative-to, <rprt> Specify a directory where plugins should be resolved
--strict Creates a `.eslintrc.json` file using the Next.js
strict configuration.
--rulesdir, <rulesdir...> Uses additional rules from this directory(s).
--fix Automatically fix linting issues.
--fix-type <fixType> Specify the types of fixes to apply (e.g., problem,
suggestion, layout).
--ignore-path <path> Specify a file to ignore.
--no-ignore <path> Disables the `--ignore-path` option.
--quiet Reports errors only.
--max-warnings [maxWarnings] Specify the number of warnings before triggering a
non-zero exit code. (default: -1)
-o, --output-file, <outputFile> Specify a file to write report to.
-f, --format, <format> Uses a specifc output format.
--no-inline-config Prevents comments from changing config or rules.
--report-unused-disable-directives-severity <level> Specify severity level for unused eslint-disable
directives. (choices: "error", "off", "warn")
--no-cache Disables caching.
--cache-location, <cacheLocation> Specify a location for cache.
--cache-strategy, [cacheStrategy] Specify a strategy to use for detecting changed files
in the cache. (default: "metadata")
--error-on-unmatched-pattern Reports errors when any file patterns are unmatched.
-h, --help Displays this message.
如果你想要检查其他目录,你可以使用 --dir
¥If you have other directories that you would like to lint, you can specify them using the --dir
next lint --dir utils
有关其他选项的更多信息,请查看我们的 ESLint 配置文档。
¥For more information on the other options, check out our ESLint configuration documentation.
Next.js 收集有关一般使用情况的完全匿名的遥测数据。是否参与此匿名计划是可选的,如果你不想分享任何信息,可以选择退出。
¥Next.js collects completely anonymous telemetry data about general usage. Participation in this anonymous program is optional, and you may opt-out if you'd not like to share any information.
要获取 next telemetry
¥To get a list of the available options with next telemetry
, run the following command in your project directory:
next telemetry -h
¥The output should look like this:
Usage: next telemetry [options]
Allows you to enable or disable Next.js' completely anonymous telemetry collection.
--enable Enables Next.js' telemetry collection.
--disable Disables Next.js' telemetry collection.
-h, --help Displays this message.
Learn more:
了解有关 遥测 的更多信息。
¥Learn more about Telemetry.