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@next/bundle-analyzer 是 Next.js 的一个插件,可帮助你管理 JavaScript 模块的大小。它生成每个模块的大小及其依赖的可视化报告。你可以使用这些信息来删除较大的依赖、拆分代码或仅在需要时加载某些部分,从而减少传输到客户端的数据量。

¥@next/bundle-analyzer is a plugin for Next.js that helps you manage the size of your JavaScript modules. It generates a visual report of the size of each module and their dependencies. You can use the information to remove large dependencies, split your code, or only load some parts when needed, reducing the amount of data transferred to the client.




¥Install the plugin by running the following command:

npm i @next/bundle-analyzer
# or
yarn add @next/bundle-analyzer
# or
pnpm add @next/bundle-analyzer

然后,将打包分析器的设置添加到你的 next.config.js

¥Then, add the bundle analyzer's settings to your next.config.js.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {}

const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')()

module.exports =
process.env.ANALYZE === 'true' ? withBundleAnalyzer(nextConfig) : nextConfig


¥Analyzing your bundles


¥Run the following command to analyze your bundles:

ANALYZE=true npm run build
# or
ANALYZE=true yarn build
# or
ANALYZE=true pnpm build


¥The report will open three new tabs in your browser, which you can inspect. Doing this regularly while you develop and before deploying your site can help you identify large bundles earlier, and architect your application to be more performant.