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¥Some packages can export hundreds or thousands of modules, which can cause performance issues in development and production.

将包添加到 experimental.optimizePackageImports 只会加载你实际使用的模块,同时仍然可以方便你编写具有许多命名导出的导入语句。

¥Adding a package to experimental.optimizePackageImports will only load the modules you are actually using, while still giving you the convenience of writing import statements with many named exports.

module.exports = {
experimental: {
optimizePackageImports: ['package-name'],


¥The following libraries are optimized by default:

  • lucide-react

  • date-fns

  • lodash-es

  • ramda

  • antd

  • react-bootstrap

  • ahooks

  • @ant-design/icons

  • @headlessui/react

  • @headlessui-float/react

  • @heroicons/react/20/solid

  • @heroicons/react/24/solid

  • @heroicons/react/24/outline

  • @visx/visx

  • @tremor/react

  • rxjs

  • @mui/material

  • @mui/icons-material

  • recharts

  • react-use

  • @material-ui/core

  • @material-ui/icons

  • @tabler/icons-react

  • mui-core

  • react-icons/*