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middleware.js|ts 文件用于在请求完成之前写入 中间件 并在服务器上运行代码。然后,根据传入的请求,你可以通过重写、重定向、修改请求或响应标头或直接响应来修改响应。

¥The middleware.js|ts file is used to write Middleware and run code on the server before a request is completed. Then, based on the incoming request, you can modify the response by rewriting, redirecting, modifying the request or response headers, or responding directly.


¥Middleware executes before routes are rendered. It's particularly useful for implementing custom server-side logic like authentication, logging, or handling redirects.

使用项目根目录中的文件 middleware.ts(或 .js)来定义中间件。例如,与 apppages 处于同一级别,或者在 src 内部(如果适用)。

¥Use the file middleware.ts (or .js) in the root of your project to define Middleware. For example, at the same level as app or pages, or inside src if applicable.

import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from 'next/server'

// This function can be marked `async` if using `await` inside
export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/home', request.url))

export const config = {
  matcher: '/about/:path*',
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

// This function can be marked `async` if using `await` inside
export function middleware(request) {
  return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/home', request.url))

export const config = {
  matcher: '/about/:path*',




¥Middleware function

该文件必须导出单个函数,作为默认导出或命名为 middleware。请注意,不支持来自同一文件的多个中间件。

¥The file must export a single function, either as a default export or named middleware. Note that multiple middleware from the same file are not supported.

// Example of default export
export default function middleware(request) {
  // Middleware logic


¥Config object (optional)

(可选)配置对象可以与中间件函数一起导出。该对象包括 matcher 以指定中间件应用的路径。

¥Optionally, a config object can be exported alongside the Middleware function. This object includes the matcher to specify paths where the Middleware applies.



matcher 选项允许你指定中间件运行的特定路径。你可以通过多种方式指定这些路径:

¥The matcher option allows you to target specific paths for the Middleware to run on. You can specify these paths in several ways:

  • 对于单个路径:直接用字符串定义路径,如 '/about'

    ¥For a single path: Directly use a string to define the path, like '/about'.

  • 对于多个路径:使用数组列出多个路径,例如 matcher: ['/about', '/contact'],它将中间件应用到 /about/contact

    ¥For multiple paths: Use an array to list multiple paths, such as matcher: ['/about', '/contact'], which applies the Middleware to both /about and /contact.

此外,matcher 通过正则表达式支持复杂的路径规范,例如 matcher: ['/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|.*\\.png$).*)'],从而可以精确控制要包含或排除的路径。

¥Additionally, matcher supports complex path specifications through regular expressions, such as matcher: ['/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|.*\\.png$).*)'], enabling precise control over which paths to include or exclude.

matcher 选项还接受具有以下键的对象数组:

¥The matcher option also accepts an array of objects with the following keys:

  • source:用于匹配请求路径的路径或模式。它可以是用于直接路径匹配的字符串,也可以是用于更复杂匹配的模式。

    ¥source: The path or pattern used to match the request paths. It can be a string for direct path matching or a pattern for more complex matching.

  • regexp(可选):一个正则表达式字符串,根据源微调匹配。它提供了对包含或排除哪些路径的额外控制。

    ¥regexp (optional): A regular expression string that fine-tunes the matching based on the source. It provides additional control over which paths are included or excluded.

  • locale(可选):一个布尔值,当设置为 false 时,将忽略路径匹配中基于区域设置的路由。

    ¥locale (optional): A boolean that, when set to false, ignores locale-based routing in path matching.

  • has(可选):根据特定请求元素(例如标头、查询参数或 cookie)的存在来指定条件。

    ¥has (optional): Specifies conditions based on the presence of specific request elements such as headers, query parameters, or cookies.

  • missing(可选):重点关注缺少某些请求元素的情况,例如缺少标头或 cookie。

    ¥missing (optional): Focuses on conditions where certain request elements are absent, like missing headers or cookies.

export const config = {
  matcher: [
      source: '/api/*',
      regexp: '^/api/(.*)',
      locale: false,
      has: [
        { type: 'header', key: 'Authorization', value: 'Bearer Token' },
        { type: 'query', key: 'userId', value: '123' },
      missing: [{ type: 'cookie', key: 'session', value: 'active' }],




定义中间件时,默认导出函数接受单个参数 request。该参数是 NextRequest 的实例,代表传入的 HTTP 请求。

¥When defining Middleware, the default export function accepts a single parameter, request. This parameter is an instance of NextRequest, which represents the incoming HTTP request.

import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  // Middleware logic goes here
export function middleware(request) {
  // Middleware logic goes here


¥Good to know:

  • NextRequest 是代表 Next.js 中间件中传入 HTTP 请求的类型,而 NextResponse 是用于操作和发回 HTTP 响应的类。

    ¥NextRequest is a type that represents incoming HTTP requests in Next.js Middleware, whereas NextResponse is a class used to manipulate and send back HTTP responses.


中间件可以使用扩展了 网络响应 APINextResponse 对象。通过返回 NextResponse 对象,你可以直接操作 cookie、设置标头、实现重定向和重写路径。

¥Middleware can use the NextResponse object which extends the Web Response API. By returning a NextResponse object, you can directly manipulate cookies, set headers, implement redirects, and rewrite paths.

需要了解:对于重定向,你还可以使用 Response.redirect 而不是 NextResponse.redirect

¥Good to know: For redirects, you can also use Response.redirect instead of NextResponse.redirect.



中间件仅支持 边缘运行时。无法使用 Node.js 运行时。

¥Middleware only supports the Edge runtime. The Node.js runtime cannot be used.


¥Version History

v12.2.0中间件稳定,请参见 升级指南
v12.0.9在 Edge Runtime 中强制使用绝对 URL (PR)

Next.js v15.2 中文网 - 粤ICP备13048890号