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unstable_after 允许你安排在响应(或预渲染)完成后执行的工作。这对于不应阻止响应的任务和其他副作用很有用,例如日志记录和分析。

¥unstable_after allows you to schedule work to be executed after a response (or prerender) is finished. This is useful for tasks and other side effects that should not block the response, such as logging and analytics.

它可以用于 服务器组件(包括 generateMetadata)、服务器操作路由处理程序中间件

¥It can be used in Server Components (including generateMetadata), Server Actions, Route Handlers, and Middleware.


¥The function accepts a callback that will be executed after the response (or prerender) is finished:

import { unstable_after as after } from 'next/server'
// Custom logging function
import { log } from '@/app/utils'

export default function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
after(() => {
// Execute after the layout is rendered and sent to the user
return <>{children}</>
import { unstable_after as after } from 'next/server'
// Custom logging function
import { log } from '@/app/utils'

export default function Layout({ children }) {
after(() => {
// Execute after the layout is rendered and sent to the user
return <>{children}</>

很高兴知道:unstable_after 不是 动态 API,调用它不会导致路由变为动态。如果它在静态页面中使用,则回调将在构建时执行,或者在重新验证页面时执行。

¥Good to know: unstable_after is not a Dynamic API and calling it does not cause a route to become dynamic. If it's used within a static page, the callback will execute at build time, or whenever a page is revalidated.





  • 响应(或预渲染)完成后将执行的回调函数。

    ¥A callback function which will be executed after the response (or prerender) is finished.


¥Serverless function duration

unstable_after 将运行平台默认或配置的无服务器功能的最大持续时间。如果你的平台支持,你可以使用 maxDuration 路由段配置来配置超时限制。

¥unstable_after will run for the platform's default or configured max duration of a serverless function. If your platform supports it, you can configure the timeout limit using the maxDuration route segment config.


¥Good to know

  • 即使响应未成功完成,unstable_after 也会执行。包括抛出错误或调用 notFoundredirect 时。

    ¥unstable_after will be executed even if the response didn't complete successfully. Including when an error is thrown or when notFound or redirect is called.

  • 你可以使用 React cacheunstable_after 内部调用的函数进行数据去重。

    ¥You can use React cache to deduplicate functions called inside unstable_after.

  • 由于响应已发送,因此无法在 unstable_after 内设置 cookies

    ¥cookies cannot be set inside unstable_after since the response has already been sent.

  • 动态 API 不能在 unstable_after 中调用。在 unstable_after 之外调用它们并使用它们返回的对象。

    ¥Dynamic APIs cannot be called within unstable_after. Call them outside of unstable_after and use the object they returned.

  • unstable_after 可以嵌套在其他 unstable_after 调用中,例如,你可以创建封装 unstable_after 调用的实用程序函数来添加其他功能。

    ¥unstable_after can be nested inside other unstable_after calls, for example, you can create utility functions that wrap unstable_after calls to add additional functionality.



unstable_after 的用例是在不阻止主要响应的情况下处理次要任务。它类似于使用平台的 waitUntil() 或从 promise 中删除 await,但有以下区别:

¥The use case for unstable_after is to process secondary tasks without blocking the primary response. It's similar to using the platform's waitUntil() or removing await from a promise, but with the following differences:

  • waitUntil():接受 promise 并将要在请求的生命周期内执行的任务排入队列,而 unstable_after 接受将在响应完成后执行的回调。

    ¥**waitUntil()**: accepts a promise and enqueues a task to be executed during the lifecycle of the request, whereas unstable_after accepts a callback that will be executed after the response is finished.

  • 删除 await:在响应期间开始执行,这会使用资源。它在无服务器环境中也不可靠,因为函数在发送响应后立即停止计算,可能会中断任务。

    ¥Removing await: starts executing during the response, which uses resources. It's also not reliable in serverless environments as the function stops computation immediately after the response is sent, potentially interrupting the task.

我们建议使用 unstable_after,因为它在设计时考虑了其他 Next.js API 和上下文。

¥We recommend using unstable_after as it has been designed to consider other Next.js APIs and contexts.

v15.0.0-rcunstable_after 推出。