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useSelectedLayoutSegment 是一个客户端组件钩子,可让你读取调用它的布局下一级的活动路由段。

¥useSelectedLayoutSegment is a Client Component hook that lets you read the active route segment one level below the Layout it is called from.

它对于导航 UI 很有用,例如父布局内的选项卡根据活动子段更改样式。

¥It is useful for navigation UI, such as tabs inside a parent layout that change style depending on the active child segment.

'use client'

import { useSelectedLayoutSegment } from 'next/navigation'

export default function ExampleClientComponent() {
const segment = useSelectedLayoutSegment()

return <p>Active segment: {segment}</p>
'use client'

import { useSelectedLayoutSegment } from 'next/navigation'

export default function ExampleClientComponent() {
const segment = useSelectedLayoutSegment()

return <p>Active segment: {segment}</p>


¥Good to know:

  • 由于 useSelectedLayoutSegment客户端组件 钩子,并且布局默认为 服务器组件,因此通常通过导入到布局中的客户端组件来调用 useSelectedLayoutSegment

    ¥Since useSelectedLayoutSegment is a Client Component hook, and Layouts are Server Components by default, useSelectedLayoutSegment is usually called via a Client Component that is imported into a Layout.

  • useSelectedLayoutSegment 仅返回向下一级的段。要返回所有活动段,请参阅 useSelectedLayoutSegments

    ¥useSelectedLayoutSegment only returns the segment one level down. To return all active segments, see useSelectedLayoutSegments



const segment = useSelectedLayoutSegment(parallelRoutesKey?: string)

useSelectedLayoutSegment 可选择接受 parallelRoutesKey,它允许你读取该槽内的活动航路段。

¥useSelectedLayoutSegment optionally accepts a parallelRoutesKey, which allows you to read the active route segment within that slot.



useSelectedLayoutSegment 返回活动段的字符串,如果不存在则返回 null

¥useSelectedLayoutSegment returns a string of the active segment or null if one doesn't exist.

例如,给定下面的布局和 URL,返回的段将是:

¥For example, given the Layouts and URLs below, the returned segment would be:




¥Creating an active link component

你可以使用 useSelectedLayoutSegment 创建一个活动链接组件,该组件根据活动段更改样式。例如,博客侧边栏中的精选帖子列表:

¥You can use useSelectedLayoutSegment to create an active link component that changes style depending on the active segment. For example, a featured posts list in the sidebar of a blog:

'use client'

import Link from 'next/link'
import { useSelectedLayoutSegment } from 'next/navigation'

// This *client* component will be imported into a blog layout
export default function BlogNavLink({
}: {
slug: string
children: React.ReactNode
}) {
// Navigating to `/blog/hello-world` will return 'hello-world'
// for the selected layout segment
const segment = useSelectedLayoutSegment()
const isActive = slug === segment

return (
// Change style depending on whether the link is active
style={{ fontWeight: isActive ? 'bold' : 'normal' }}
'use client'

import Link from 'next/link'
import { useSelectedLayoutSegment } from 'next/navigation'

// This *client* component will be imported into a blog layout
export default function BlogNavLink({ slug, children }) {
// Navigating to `/blog/hello-world` will return 'hello-world'
// for the selected layout segment
const segment = useSelectedLayoutSegment()
const isActive = slug === segment

return (
// Change style depending on whether the link is active
style={{ fontWeight: isActive ? 'bold' : 'normal' }}
// Import the Client Component into a parent Layout (Server Component)
import { BlogNavLink } from './blog-nav-link'
import getFeaturedPosts from './get-featured-posts'

export default async function Layout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode
}) {
const featuredPosts = await getFeaturedPosts()
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
<BlogNavLink slug={post.slug}>{post.title}</BlogNavLink>
// Import the Client Component into a parent Layout (Server Component)
import { BlogNavLink } from './blog-nav-link'
import getFeaturedPosts from './get-featured-posts'

export default async function Layout({ children }) {
const featuredPosts = await getFeaturedPosts()
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
<BlogNavLink slug={post.slug}>{post.title}</BlogNavLink>


¥Version History

v13.0.0useSelectedLayoutSegment 推出。