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你可以使用 generateSitemaps 函数为你的应用生成多个站点地图。

¥You can use the generateSitemaps function to generate multiple sitemaps for your application.



generateSitemaps 返回具有 id 属性的对象数组。

¥The generateSitemaps returns an array of objects with an id property.


在生产中,你生成的站点地图将在 /.../sitemap/[id].xml 可用。例如,/product/sitemap/1.xml

¥In production, your generated sitemaps will be available at /.../sitemap/[id].xml. For example, /product/sitemap/1.xml.

开发中,你可以在 /.../sitemap.xml/[id] 上查看生成的站点地图。例如,/product/sitemap.xml/1。这种差异是暂时的,将遵循生产格式。

¥In development, you can view the generated sitemap on /.../sitemap.xml/[id]. For example, /product/sitemap.xml/1. This difference is temporary and will follow the production format.



例如,要使用 generateSitemaps 分割站点地图,请返回包含站点地图 id 的对象数组。然后,使用 id 生成唯一的站点地图。

¥For example, to split a sitemap using generateSitemaps, return an array of objects with the sitemap id. Then, use the id to generate the unique sitemaps.

import { BASE_URL } from '@/app/lib/constants'

export async function generateSitemaps() {
// Fetch the total number of products and calculate the number of sitemaps needed
return [{ id: 0 }, { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]

export default async function sitemap({
}: {
id: number
}): Promise<MetadataRoute.Sitemap> {
// Google's limit is 50,000 URLs per sitemap
const start = id * 50000
const end = start + 50000
const products = await getProducts(
`SELECT id, date FROM products WHERE id BETWEEN ${start} AND ${end}`
return => ({
url: `${BASE_URL}/product/${}`,
import { BASE_URL } from '@/app/lib/constants'

export async function generateSitemaps() {
// Fetch the total number of products and calculate the number of sitemaps needed
return [{ id: 0 }, { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]

export default async function sitemap({ id }) {
// Google's limit is 50,000 URLs per sitemap
const start = id * 50000
const end = start + 50000
const products = await getProducts(
`SELECT id, date FROM products WHERE id BETWEEN ${start} AND ${end}`
return => ({
url: `${BASE_URL}/product/${id}`,