

useCache 标志是 Next.js 中的一项实验性功能,使 use cache 指令 可以独立于 dynamicIO 使用。启用后,即使 dynamicIO 已关闭,你也可以在应用中使用 use cache

¥The useCache flag is an experimental feature in Next.js that enables the use cache directive to be used independently of dynamicIO. When enabled, you can use use cache in your application even if dynamicIO is turned off.



要启用 useCache 标志,请在 next.config.ts 文件的 experimental 部分中将其设置为 true

¥To enable the useCache flag, set it to true in the experimental section of your next.config.ts file:

import type { NextConfig } from 'next'

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
experimental: {
useCache: true,

export default nextConfig

启用 useCache 后,你可以使用以下缓存功能和配置:

¥When useCache is enabled, you can use the following cache functions and configurations: