

NextResponse 通过额外的便捷方法扩展了 网络响应 API

¥NextResponse extends the Web Response API with additional convenience methods.


读取或更改响应的 Set-Cookie 标头。

¥Read or mutate the Set-Cookie header of the response.

set(name, value)

给定一个名称,在响应上设置一个具有给定值的 cookie。

¥Given a name, set a cookie with the given value on the response.

// Given incoming request /home
let response = NextResponse.next()
// Set a cookie to hide the banner
response.cookies.set('show-banner', 'false')
// Response will have a `Set-Cookie:show-banner=false;path=/home` header
return response


给定 cookie 名称,返回 cookie 的值。如果未找到 cookie,则返回 undefined。如果找到多个 cookie,则返回第一个。

¥Given a cookie name, return the value of the cookie. If the cookie is not found, undefined is returned. If multiple cookies are found, the first one is returned.

// Given incoming request /home
let response = NextResponse.next()
// { name: 'show-banner', value: 'false', Path: '/home' }


给定 cookie 名称,返回 cookie 的值。如果未给出名称,则返回响应中的所有 cookie。

¥Given a cookie name, return the values of the cookie. If no name is given, return all cookies on the response.

// Given incoming request /home
let response = NextResponse.next()
// [
// { name: 'experiments', value: 'new-pricing-page', Path: '/home' },
// { name: 'experiments', value: 'winter-launch', Path: '/home' },
// ]
// Alternatively, get all cookies for the response


给定 cookie 名称,从响应中删除 cookie。

¥Given a cookie name, delete the cookie from the response.

// Given incoming request /home
let response = NextResponse.next()
// Returns true for deleted, false is nothing is deleted


使用给定的 JSON 正文生成响应。

¥Produce a response with the given JSON body.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export async function GET(request: Request) {
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' }, { status: 500 })
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export async function GET(request) {
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' }, { status: 500 })


生成重定向到 URL 的响应。

¥Produce a response that redirects to a URL.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/new', request.url))

在用于 NextResponse.redirect() 方法之前,可以创建和修改 URL。例如,你可以使用 request.nextUrl 属性获取当前 URL,然后修改它以重定向到不同的 URL。

¥The URL can be created and modified before being used in the NextResponse.redirect() method. For example, you can use the request.nextUrl property to get the current URL, and then modify it to redirect to a different URL.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

// Given an incoming request...
const loginUrl = new URL('/login', request.url)
// Add ?from=/incoming-url to the /login URL
loginUrl.searchParams.set('from', request.nextUrl.pathname)
// And redirect to the new URL
return NextResponse.redirect(loginUrl)


生成一个重写(代理)给定 URL 的响应,同时保留原始 URL。

¥Produce a response that rewrites (proxies) the given URL while preserving the original URL.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

// Incoming request: /about, browser shows /about
// Rewritten request: /proxy, browser shows /about
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/proxy', request.url))


next() 方法对于中间件很有用,因为它允许你提前返回并继续路由。

¥The next() method is useful for Middleware, as it allows you to return early and continue routing.

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

return NextResponse.next()

你还可以在生成响应时转发 headers

¥You can also forward headers when producing the response:

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

// Given an incoming request...
const newHeaders = new Headers(request.headers)
// Add a new header
newHeaders.set('x-version', '123')
// And produce a response with the new headers
return NextResponse.next({
request: {
// New request headers
headers: newHeaders,