


此 API 参考将帮助你了解如何使用可用于图片组件的 props配置选项。功能及使用方法请参见 图片组件 页。

¥This API reference will help you understand how to use props and configuration options available for the Image Component. For features and usage, please see the Image Component page.

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Page() {
return (
alt="Picture of the author"



以下是图片组件可用的 props 的摘要:

¥Here's a summary of the props available for the Image Component:

altalt="Picture of the author"字符串必需的
sizessizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 33vw"字符串*
onLoadingCompleteonLoadingComplete={img => done())}函数已弃用
onLoadonLoad={event => done())}函数*
onErroronError(event => fail()}函数*


¥Required Props

图片组件需要以下属性:srcaltwidthheight(或 fill)。

¥The Image Component requires the following properties: src, alt, width and height (or fill).

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Page() {
return (
alt="Picture of the author"



¥Must be one of the following:

  • 静态导入 图片文件

    ¥A statically imported image file

  • 路径字符串。这可以是绝对外部 URL,也可以是内部路径,具体取决于 loader 属性。

    ¥A path string. This can be either an absolute external URL, or an internal path depending on the loader prop.

使用默认 loader 时,还请考虑以下源图片:

¥When using the default loader, also consider the following for source images:

  • 当 src 是外部 URL 时,你还必须配置 remotePatterns

    ¥When src is an external URL, you must also configure remotePatterns

  • 当 src 为 animated 或不是已知格式(JPEG、PNG、WebP、AVIF、GIF、TIFF)时,图片将按原样提供

    ¥When src is animated or not a known format (JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF, GIF, TIFF) the image will be served as-is

  • 当 src 为 SVG 格式时,除非启用 unoptimizeddangerouslyAllowSVG,否则它将被阻止

    ¥When src is SVG format, it will be blocked unless unoptimized or dangerouslyAllowSVG is enabled


width 属性表示固有图片宽度(以像素为单位)。此属性用于推断图片的正确纵横比并避免在加载过程中发生布局偏移。它不确定图片的渲染大小,该大小由 CSS 控制,类似于 HTML <img> 标签中的 width 属性。

¥The width property represents the intrinsic image width in pixels. This property is used to infer the correct aspect ratio of the image and avoid layout shift during loading. It does not determine the rendered size of the image, which is controlled by CSS, similar to the width attribute in the HTML <img> tag.

必需,静态导入的图片 或带有 fill 属性 的图片除外。

¥Required, except for statically imported images or images with the fill property.


height 属性表示固有图片高度(以像素为单位)。此属性用于推断图片的正确纵横比并避免在加载过程中发生布局偏移。它不确定图片的渲染大小,该大小由 CSS 控制,类似于 HTML <img> 标签中的 height 属性。

¥The height property represents the intrinsic image height in pixels. This property is used to infer the correct aspect ratio of the image and avoid layout shift during loading. It does not determine the rendered size of the image, which is controlled by CSS, similar to the height attribute in the HTML <img> tag.

必需,静态导入的图片 或带有 fill 属性 的图片除外。

¥Required, except for statically imported images or images with the fill property.


¥Good to know:

  • 结合起来,widthheight 属性都用于确定图片的纵横比,浏览器使用该纵横比在图片加载之前为其保留空间。

    ¥Combined, both width and height properties are used to determine the aspect ratio of the image which used by browsers to reserve space for the image before it loads.

  • 固有大小并不总是意味着浏览器中的渲染大小,这将由父容器决定。例如,如果父容器小于固有大小,则图片将缩小以适合容器。

    ¥The intrinsic size does not always mean the rendered size in the browser, which will be determined by the parent container. For example, if the parent container is smaller than the intrinsic size, the image will be scaled down to fit the container.

  • 当宽度和高度未知时,你可以使用 fill 属性。

    ¥You can use the fill property when the width and height are unknown.


alt 属性用于描述屏幕阅读器和搜索引擎的图片。如果图片已被禁用或加载图片时发生错误,它也是后备文本。

¥The alt property is used to describe the image for screen readers and search engines. It is also the fallback text if images have been disabled or an error occurs while loading the image.

它应该包含可以替换图片 不改变页面的含义 的文本。它并不是为了补充图片,也不应该重复图片上方或下方的标题中已经提供的信息。

¥It should contain text that could replace the image without changing the meaning of the page. It is not meant to supplement the image and should not repeat information that is already provided in the captions above or below the image.

如果图片是 纯粹装饰性的不适合用户,则 alt 属性应为空字符串 (alt="")。

¥If the image is purely decorative or not intended for the user, the alt property should be an empty string (alt="").


¥Learn more


¥Optional Props

<Image /> 组件接受除所需属性之外的许多附加属性。本节介绍 Image 组件最常用的属性。在 高级属性 部分中查找更多很少使用的属性的详细信息。

¥The <Image /> component accepts a number of additional properties beyond those which are required. This section describes the most commonly-used properties of the Image component. Find details about more rarely-used properties in the Advanced Props section.


用于解析图片 URL 的自定义函数。

¥A custom function used to resolve image URLs.

loader 是一个返回图片 URL 字符串的函数,给定以下参数:

¥A loader is a function returning a URL string for the image, given the following parameters:


¥Here is an example of using a custom loader:

'use client'

import Image from 'next/image'

const imageLoader = ({ src, width, quality }) => {
return `https://example.com/${src}?w=${width}&q=${quality || 75}`

export default function Page() {
return (
alt="Picture of the author"

很高兴知道:使用像 loader 这样接受函数的 props,需要使用 客户端组件 来序列化提供的函数。

¥Good to know: Using props like loader, which accept a function, requires using Client Components to serialize the provided function.

或者,你可以使用 next.config.js 中的 loaderFile 配置来配置应用中 next/image 的每个实例,而无需传递 prop。

¥Alternatively, you can use the loaderFile configuration in next.config.js to configure every instance of next/image in your application, without passing a prop.


fill={true} // {true} | {false}

导致图片填充父元素的布尔值,当 widthheight 未知时很有用。

¥A boolean that causes the image to fill the parent element, which is useful when the width and height are unknown.

父元素必须指定 position: "relative"position: "fixed"position: "absolute" 样式。

¥The parent element must assign position: "relative", position: "fixed", or position: "absolute" style.

默认情况下,img 元素将自动分配 position: "absolute" 样式。

¥By default, the img element will automatically be assigned the position: "absolute" style.

如果没有对图片应用样式,图片将拉伸以适合容器。你可能更愿意为带有信箱的图片设置 object-fit: "contain" 以适合容器并保留宽高比。

¥If no styles are applied to the image, the image will stretch to fit the container. You may prefer to set object-fit: "contain" for an image which is letterboxed to fit the container and preserve aspect ratio.

或者,object-fit: "cover" 将使图片填充整个容器并被裁剪以保留纵横比。

¥Alternatively, object-fit: "cover" will cause the image to fill the entire container and be cropped to preserve aspect ratio.


¥For more information, see also:


类似于媒体查询的字符串,提供有关图片在不同断点处的宽度的信息。sizes 的值将极大地影响使用 fill设计为具有响应式尺寸 的图片的性能。

¥A string, similar to a media query, that provides information about how wide the image will be at different breakpoints. The value of sizes will greatly affect performance for images using fill or which are styled to have a responsive size.

sizes 属性有两个与图片性能相关的重要目的:

¥The sizes property serves two important purposes related to image performance:

  • 首先,浏览器使用 sizes 的值来确定要下载的图片大小,来自 next/image 的自动生成的 srcset。当浏览器选择时,它还不知道页面上图片的大小,因此它选择与视口大小相同或更大的图片。sizes 属性允许你告诉浏览器图片实际上小于全屏。如果你未使用 fill 属性在图片中指定 sizes 值,则使用默认值 100vw(全屏宽度)。

    ¥First, the value of sizes is used by the browser to determine which size of the image to download, from next/image's automatically generated srcset. When the browser chooses, it does not yet know the size of the image on the page, so it selects an image that is the same size or larger than the viewport. The sizes property allows you to tell the browser that the image will actually be smaller than full screen. If you don't specify a sizes value in an image with the fill property, a default value of 100vw (full screen width) is used.

  • 其次,sizes 属性更改自动生成的 srcset 值的行为。如果不存在 sizes 值,则会生成一个小的 srcset,适用于固定尺寸图片(1x/2x/等)。如果定义了 sizes,则会生成一个大的 srcset,适合响应式图片(640w/750w/等)。如果 sizes 属性包含诸如 50vw 之类的尺寸(代表视口宽度的百分比),则 srcset 会被修剪以不包含任何太小而不必要的值。

    ¥Second, the sizes property changes the behavior of the automatically generated srcset value. If no sizes value is present, a small srcset is generated, suitable for a fixed-size image (1x/2x/etc). If sizes is defined, a large srcset is generated, suitable for a responsive image (640w/750w/etc). If the sizes property includes sizes such as 50vw, which represent a percentage of the viewport width, then the srcset is trimmed to not include any values which are too small to ever be necessary.

例如,如果你知道你的样式将导致图片在移动设备上为全宽、在平板电脑上为 2 列布局、在桌面显示器上为 3 列布局,则应包含尺寸属性,如下所示 :

¥For example, if you know your styling will cause an image to be full-width on mobile devices, in a 2-column layout on tablets, and a 3-column layout on desktop displays, you should include a sizes property such as the following:

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Page() {
return (
<div className="grid-element">
sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 1200px) 50vw, 33vw"

此示例 sizes 可能会对性能指标产生巨大影响。如果没有 33vw 尺寸,从服务器选择的图片宽度将是所需宽度的 3 倍。由于文件大小与宽度的平方成正比,因此如果没有 sizes,用户将下载比所需大小大 9 倍的图片。

¥This example sizes could have a dramatic effect on performance metrics. Without the 33vw sizes, the image selected from the server would be 3 times as wide as it needs to be. Because file size is proportional to the square of the width, without sizes the user would download an image that's 9 times larger than necessary.

了解有关 srcsetsizes 的更多信息:

¥Learn more about srcset and sizes:


quality={75} // {number 1-100}

优化图片的质量,1100 之间的整数,其中 100 是最佳质量,因此文件大小最大。默认为 75

¥The quality of the optimized image, an integer between 1 and 100, where 100 is the best quality and therefore largest file size. Defaults to 75.


priority={false} // {false} | {true}

如果为 true,则图片将被视为高优先级和 preload。使用 priority 的图片会自动禁用延迟加载。如果 loading 属性也被使用并设置为 lazy,则不能使用 priority 属性。loading 属性仅适用于高级用例。当需要 priority 时删除 loading

¥When true, the image will be considered high priority and preload. Lazy loading is automatically disabled for images using priority. If the loading property is also used and set to lazy, the priority property can't be used. The loading property is only meant for advanced use cases. Remove loading when priority is needed.

你应该对检测为 最大内容涂料 (LCP) 元素的任何图片使用 priority 属性。具有多个优先级图片可能是合适的,因为不同的图片可能是不同视口尺寸的 LCP 元素。

¥You should use the priority property on any image detected as the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) element. It may be appropriate to have multiple priority images, as different images may be the LCP element for different viewport sizes.

仅当图片在首屏上方可见时才应使用。默认为 false

¥Should only be used when the image is visible above the fold. Defaults to false.


placeholder = 'empty' // "empty" | "blur" | "data:image/..."

加载图片时使用的占位符。可能的值为 bluremptydata:image/...。默认为 empty

¥A placeholder to use while the image is loading. Possible values are blur, empty, or data:image/.... Defaults to empty.

blur 时,blurDataURL 属性将用作占位符。如果 src静态导入 中的对象,并且导入的图片是 .jpg.png.webp.avif,则 blurDataURL 将自动填充,除非检测到图片是动画的。

¥When blur, the blurDataURL property will be used as the placeholder. If src is an object from a static import and the imported image is .jpg, .png, .webp, or .avif, then blurDataURL will be automatically populated, except when the image is detected to be animated.

对于动态图片,你必须提供 blurDataURL 属性。占位符 等解决方案可以帮助生成 base64

¥For dynamic images, you must provide the blurDataURL property. Solutions such as Plaiceholder can help with base64 generation.

data:image/... 时,数据网址 将在图片加载时用作占位符。

¥When data:image/..., the Data URL will be used as the placeholder while the image is loading.

empty 时,图片加载时不会有占位符,只有空白空间。

¥When empty, there will be no placeholder while the image is loading, only empty space.


¥Try it out:


¥Advanced Props

在某些情况下,你可能需要更高级的用法。<Image /> 组件可选择接受以下高级属性。

¥In some cases, you may need more advanced usage. The <Image /> component optionally accepts the following advanced properties.


允许将 CSS 样式传递给底层图片元素。

¥Allows passing CSS styles to the underlying image element.

const imageStyle = {
borderRadius: '50%',
border: '1px solid #fff',

export default function ProfileImage() {
return <Image src="..." />

请记住,所需的宽度和高度属性可以与你的样式交互。如果你使用样式来修改图片的宽度,你还应该将其高度样式设置为 auto 以保留其固有的纵横比,否则你的图片将会扭曲。

¥Remember that the required width and height props can interact with your styling. If you use styling to modify an image's width, you should also style its height to auto to preserve its intrinsic aspect ratio, or your image will be distorted.


'use client'

<Image onLoadingComplete={(img) => console.log(img.naturalWidth)} />

警告:自 Next.js 14 起已弃用,代之以 onLoad

¥Warning: Deprecated since Next.js 14 in favor of onLoad.

图片完全加载且 placeholder 已删除后调用的回调函数。

¥A callback function that is invoked once the image is completely loaded and the placeholder has been removed.

回调函数将使用一个参数调用,即对底层 <img> 元素的引用。

¥The callback function will be called with one argument, a reference to the underlying <img> element.

很高兴知道:使用像 onLoadingComplete 这样接受函数的 props,需要使用 客户端组件 来序列化提供的函数。

¥Good to know: Using props like onLoadingComplete, which accept a function, requires using Client Components to serialize the provided function.


<Image onLoad={(e) => console.log(e.target.naturalWidth)} />

图片完全加载且 placeholder 已删除后调用的回调函数。

¥A callback function that is invoked once the image is completely loaded and the placeholder has been removed.

回调函数将使用一个参数进行调用,即具有引用底层 <img> 元素的 target 的事件。

¥The callback function will be called with one argument, the Event which has a target that references the underlying <img> element.

很高兴知道:使用像 onLoad 这样接受函数的 props,需要使用 客户端组件 来序列化提供的函数。

¥Good to know: Using props like onLoad, which accept a function, requires using Client Components to serialize the provided function.


<Image onError={(e) => console.error(e.target.id)} />


¥A callback function that is invoked if the image fails to load.

很高兴知道:使用像 onError 这样接受函数的 props,需要使用 客户端组件 来序列化提供的函数。

¥Good to know: Using props like onError, which accept a function, requires using Client Components to serialize the provided function.


loading = 'lazy' // {lazy} | {eager}

图片的加载行为。默认为 lazy

¥The loading behavior of the image. Defaults to lazy.

lazy 时,推迟加载图片,直到它达到距视口的计算距离。

¥When lazy, defer loading the image until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport.

eager 时,立即加载图片。

¥When eager, load the image immediately.

了解有关 loading 属性 的更多信息。

¥Learn more about the loading attribute.


在成功加载 src 图片之前,将 数据网址 用作占位符图片。仅与 placeholder="blur" 组合时生效。

¥A Data URL to be used as a placeholder image before the src image successfully loads. Only takes effect when combined with placeholder="blur".

必须是 base64 编码的图片。它会被放大并模糊,因此建议使用非常小的图片(10px 或更小)。包含较大的图片作为占位符可能会损害你的应用性能。

¥Must be a base64-encoded image. It will be enlarged and blurred, so a very small image (10px or less) is recommended. Including larger images as placeholders may harm your application performance.


¥Try it out:

你还可以 生成纯色数据 URL 来匹配图片。

¥You can also generate a solid color Data URL to match the image.


unoptimized = {false} // {false} | {true}

当为 true 时,源图片将按原样从 src 提供,而不是更改质量、大小或格式。默认为 false

¥When true, the source image will be served as-is from the src instead of changing quality, size, or format. Defaults to false.

这对于无法从优化中受益的图片很有用,例如小图片(小于 1KB)、矢量图片(SVG)或动画图片(GIF)。

¥This is useful for images that do not benefit from optimization such as small images (less than 1KB), vector images (SVG), or animated images (GIF).

import Image from 'next/image'

const UnoptimizedImage = (props) => {
return <Image {...props} unoptimized />

从 Next.js 12.3.0 开始,可以通过使用以下配置更新 next.config.js 来将此属性分配给所有图片:

¥Since Next.js 12.3.0, this prop can be assigned to all images by updating next.config.js with the following configuration:

module.exports = {
images: {
unoptimized: true,


当向 <Image> 组件提供 src 属性时,会为生成的 <img> 自动生成 srcsetsrc 属性。

¥When providing the src prop to the <Image> component, both the srcset and src attributes are generated automatically for the resulting <img>.

<Image src="/me.jpg" />
/_next/image?url=%2Fme.jpg&w=640&q=75 1x,
/_next/image?url=%2Fme.jpg&w=828&q=75 2x

在某些情况下,不需要生成 src 属性,你可能希望使用 overrideSrc 属性覆盖它。

¥In some cases, it is not desirable to have the src attribute generated and you may wish to override it using the overrideSrc prop.

例如,当将现有网站从 <img> 升级到 <Image> 时,你可能希望出于 SEO 目的(例如图片排名或避免重新抓取)保留相同的 src 属性。

¥For example, when upgrading an existing website from <img> to <Image>, you may wish to maintain the same src attribute for SEO purposes such as image ranking or avoiding recrawl.

<Image src="/me.jpg" overrideSrc="/override.jpg" />
/_next/image?url=%2Fme.jpg&w=640&q=75 1x,
/_next/image?url=%2Fme.jpg&w=828&q=75 2x


向浏览器发出提示,指示它是否应该等待图片解码后再显示其他内容更新。默认为 async

¥A hint to the browser indicating if it should wait for the image to be decoded before presenting other content updates or not. Defaults to async.


¥Possible values are the following:

  • async - 异步解码图片并允许在完成之前渲染其他内容。

    ¥async - Asynchronously decode the image and allow other content to be rendered before it completes.

  • sync - 同步解码图片以与其他内容一起进行原子渲染。

    ¥sync - Synchronously decode the image for atomic presentation with other content.

  • auto - 解码模式没有偏好;浏览器决定什么是最好的。

    ¥auto - No preference for the decoding mode; the browser decides what's best.

了解有关 decoding 属性 的更多信息。

¥Learn more about the decoding attribute.


¥Other Props

<Image /> 组件上的其他属性将传递给底层 img 元素,但以下属性除外:

¥Other properties on the <Image /> component will be passed to the underlying img element with the exception of the following:


¥Configuration Options

除了 props 之外,你还可以在 next.config.js 中配置 Image 组件。可以使用以下选项:

¥In addition to props, you can configure the Image Component in next.config.js. The following options are available:


你可以选择在 next.config.js 文件中配置 localPatterns,以允许优化特定路径并阻止所有其他路径。

¥You can optionally configure localPatterns in your next.config.js file in order to allow specific paths to be optimized and block all others paths.

module.exports = {
images: {
localPatterns: [
pathname: '/assets/images/**',
search: '',

很高兴知道:上述示例将确保 next/imagesrc 属性必须以 /assets/images/ 开头,并且不能有查询字符串。尝试优化任何其他路径都将响应 400 Bad Request。

¥Good to know: The example above will ensure the src property of next/image must start with /assets/images/ and must not have a query string. Attempting to optimize any other path will respond with 400 Bad Request.


为了保护你的应用免受恶意用户的侵害,需要进行配置才能使用外部映像。这可确保 Next.js 图片优化 API 只能提供你账户中的外部图片。这些外部图片可以使用 next.config.js 文件中的 remotePatterns 属性进行配置,如下所示:

¥To protect your application from malicious users, configuration is required in order to use external images. This ensures that only external images from your account can be served from the Next.js Image Optimization API. These external images can be configured with the remotePatterns property in your next.config.js file, as shown below:

module.exports = {
images: {
remotePatterns: [
protocol: 'https',
hostname: 'example.com',
port: '',
pathname: '/account123/**',
search: '',

很高兴知道:上述示例将确保 next/imagesrc 属性必须以 https://example.com/account123/ 开头,并且不能有查询字符串。任何其他协议、主机名、端口或不匹配的路径都将响应 400 Bad Request。

¥Good to know: The example above will ensure the src property of next/image must start with https://example.com/account123/ and must not have a query string. Any other protocol, hostname, port, or unmatched path will respond with 400 Bad Request.

下面是使用 hostname 中的通配符模式的 next.config.js 文件中的 remotePatterns 属性的示例:

¥Below is an example of the remotePatterns property in the next.config.js file using a wildcard pattern in the hostname:

module.exports = {
images: {
remotePatterns: [
protocol: 'https',
hostname: '**.example.com',
port: '',
search: '',

很高兴知道:上面的示例将确保 next/imagesrc 属性必须以 https://img1.example.comhttps://me.avatar.example.com 或任意数量的子域开头。它不能有端口或查询字符串。任何其他协议或不匹配的主机名都将以 400 Bad Request 响应。

¥Good to know: The example above will ensure the src property of next/image must start with https://img1.example.com or https://me.avatar.example.com or any number of subdomains. It cannot have a port or query string. Any other protocol or unmatched hostname will respond with 400 Bad Request.

通配符模式可用于 pathnamehostname,并具有以下语法:

¥Wildcard patterns can be used for both pathname and hostname and have the following syntax:

  • * 匹配单个路径段或子域

    ¥* match a single path segment or subdomain

  • ** 匹配末尾任意数量的路径段或开头的子域

    ¥** match any number of path segments at the end or subdomains at the beginning

** 语法在模式中间不起作用。

¥The ** syntax does not work in the middle of the pattern.

很高兴知道:省略 protocolportpathnamesearch 时,则隐含通配符 **。不建议这样做,因为它可能会让恶意行为者优化你不希望的 URL。

¥Good to know: When omitting protocol, port, pathname, or search then the wildcard ** is implied. This is not recommended because it may allow malicious actors to optimize urls you did not intend.

下面是使用 searchnext.config.js 文件中的 remotePatterns 属性的示例:

¥Below is an example of the remotePatterns property in the next.config.js file using search:

module.exports = {
images: {
remotePatterns: [
protocol: 'https',
hostname: 'assets.example.com',
search: '?v=1727111025337',

很高兴知道:上述示例将确保 next/imagesrc 属性必须以 https://assets.example.com 开头,并且必须具有精确的查询字符串 ?v=1727111025337。任何其他协议或查询字符串都将以 400 Bad Request 响应。

¥Good to know: The example above will ensure the src property of next/image must start with https://assets.example.com and must have the exact query string ?v=1727111025337. Any other protocol or query string will respond with 400 Bad Request.


警告:自 Next.js 14 起已弃用,取而代之的是严格的 remotePatterns,以保护你的应用免受恶意用户的侵害。仅当你拥有该域提供的所有内容时才使用 domains

¥Warning: Deprecated since Next.js 14 in favor of strict remotePatterns in order to protect your application from malicious users. Only use domains if you own all the content served from the domain.

remotePatterns 类似,domains 配置可用于提供外部映像允许的主机名列表。

¥Similar to remotePatterns, the domains configuration can be used to provide a list of allowed hostnames for external images.

但是,domains 配置不支持通配符模式匹配,并且无法限制协议、端口或路径名。

¥However, the domains configuration does not support wildcard pattern matching and it cannot restrict protocol, port, or pathname.

以下是 next.config.js 文件中 domains 属性的示例:

¥Below is an example of the domains property in the next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
images: {
domains: ['assets.acme.com'],


如果你想使用云提供商来优化图片,而不是使用 Next.js 内置图片优化 API,你可以在 next.config.js 中配置 loaderFile,如下所示:

¥If you want to use a cloud provider to optimize images instead of using the Next.js built-in Image Optimization API, you can configure the loaderFile in your next.config.js like the following:

module.exports = {
images: {
loader: 'custom',
loaderFile: './my/image/loader.js',

这必须指向相对于 Next.js 应用根目录的文件。该文件必须导出返回字符串的默认函数,例如:

¥This must point to a file relative to the root of your Next.js application. The file must export a default function that returns a string, for example:

'use client'

export default function myImageLoader({ src, width, quality }) {
return `https://example.com/${src}?w=${width}&q=${quality || 75}`

或者,你可以使用 loader 属性 来配置 next/image 的每个实例。

¥Alternatively, you can use the loader prop to configure each instance of next/image.



很高兴知道:自定义接受函数的图片加载器文件,需要使用 客户端组件 来序列化提供的函数。

¥Good to know: Customizing the image loader file, which accepts a function, requires using Client Components to serialize the provided function.



以下配置适用于高级用例,通常不是必需的。如果你选择配置以下属性,你将在未来的更新中覆盖对 Next.js 默认值的任何更改。

¥The following configuration is for advanced use cases and is usually not necessary. If you choose to configure the properties below, you will override any changes to the Next.js defaults in future updates.


如果你知道用户期望的设备宽度,则可以使用 next.config.js 中的 deviceSizes 属性指定设备宽度断点列表。当 next/image 组件使用 sizes 属性时,将使用这些宽度,以确保为用户设备提供正确的图片。

¥If you know the expected device widths of your users, you can specify a list of device width breakpoints using the deviceSizes property in next.config.js. These widths are used when the next/image component uses sizes prop to ensure the correct image is served for user's device.


¥If no configuration is provided, the default below is used.

module.exports = {
images: {
deviceSizes: [640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840],


你可以使用 next.config.js 文件中的 images.imageSizes 属性指定图片宽度列表。这些宽度与 设备尺寸 数组连接,形成用于生成图片 srcset 的完整尺寸数组。

¥You can specify a list of image widths using the images.imageSizes property in your next.config.js file. These widths are concatenated with the array of device sizes to form the full array of sizes used to generate image srcsets.

存在两个单独列表的原因是 imageSizes 仅用于提供 sizes 属性的图片,这表明图片小于屏幕的整个宽度。因此,imageSizes 中的尺寸都应小于 deviceSizes 中的最小尺寸。

¥The reason there are two separate lists is that imageSizes is only used for images which provide a sizes prop, which indicates that the image is less than the full width of the screen. Therefore, the sizes in imageSizes should all be smaller than the smallest size in deviceSizes.


¥If no configuration is provided, the default below is used.

module.exports = {
images: {
imageSizes: [16, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256, 384],


默认 图片优化 API 将通过请求的 Accept 标头自动检测浏览器支持的图片格式,以确定最佳输出格式。

¥The default Image Optimization API will automatically detect the browser's supported image formats via the request's Accept header in order to determine the best output format.

如果 Accept 标头与多种配置的格式匹配,则使用数组中的第一个匹配项。因此,数组顺序很重要。如果没有匹配(或源图片是 animated),图片优化 API 将回退到原始图片的格式。

¥If the Accept header matches more than one of the configured formats, the first match in the array is used. Therefore, the array order matters. If there is no match (or the source image is animated), the Image Optimization API will fallback to the original image's format.


¥If no configuration is provided, the default below is used.

module.exports = {
images: {
formats: ['image/webp'],

你可以启用 AVIF 支持,并使用以下配置回退到 WebP。

¥You can enable AVIF support and still fallback to WebP with the following configuration.

module.exports = {
images: {
formats: ['image/avif', 'image/webp'],


¥Good to know:

  • AVIF 通常需要多花 50% 的时间来编码,但与 WebP 相比,压缩后体积小 20%。这意味着第一次请求图片时,通常会较慢,然后缓存的后续请求会更快。

    ¥AVIF generally takes 50% longer to encode but it compresses 20% smaller compared to WebP. This means that the first time an image is requested, it will typically be slower and then subsequent requests that are cached will be faster.

  • 如果你在 Next.js 前面使用代理/CDN 进行自托管,则必须配置代理以转发 Accept 标头。

    ¥If you self-host with a Proxy/CDN in front of Next.js, you must configure the Proxy to forward the Accept header.


¥Caching Behavior

下面介绍默认 loader 的缓存算法。对于所有其他加载程序,请参阅你的云提供商的文档。

¥The following describes the caching algorithm for the default loader. For all other loaders, please refer to your cloud provider's documentation.

图片根据请求动态优化并存储在 <distDir>/cache/images 目录中。优化后的图片文件将用于后续请求,直到到期。当发出与缓存但过期的文件匹配的请求时,过期的图片将立即失效。然后,图片在后台再次优化(也称为重新验证)并使用新的到期日期保存到缓存中。

¥Images are optimized dynamically upon request and stored in the <distDir>/cache/images directory. The optimized image file will be served for subsequent requests until the expiration is reached. When a request is made that matches a cached but expired file, the expired image is served stale immediately. Then the image is optimized again in the background (also called revalidation) and saved to the cache with the new expiration date.

通过读取 x-nextjs-cache 响应头的值可以确定图片的缓存状态。可能的值如下:

¥The cache status of an image can be determined by reading the value of the x-nextjs-cache response header. The possible values are the following:

  • MISS - 该路径不在缓存中(最多出现一次,在第一次访问时)

    ¥MISS - the path is not in the cache (occurs at most once, on the first visit)

  • STALE - 该路径在缓存中,但超出了重新验证时间,因此它将在后台更新

    ¥STALE - the path is in the cache but exceeded the revalidate time so it will be updated in the background

  • HIT - 该路径在缓存中并且未超过重新验证时间

    ¥HIT - the path is in the cache and has not exceeded the revalidate time

过期(或更确切地说是最大期限)由 minimumCacheTTL 配置或上游映像 Cache-Control 标头定义,以较大者为准。具体来说,使用 Cache-Control 报头的 max-age 值。如果同时找到 s-maxagemax-age,则首选 s-maxagemax-age 还会传递到任何下游客户端,包括 CDN 和浏览器。

¥The expiration (or rather Max Age) is defined by either the minimumCacheTTL configuration or the upstream image Cache-Control header, whichever is larger. Specifically, the max-age value of the Cache-Control header is used. If both s-maxage and max-age are found, then s-maxage is preferred. The max-age is also passed-through to any downstream clients including CDNs and browsers.

  • 当上游镜像不包含 Cache-Control 头或者该值很低时,你可以配置 minimumCacheTTL 来增加缓存持续时间。

    ¥You can configure minimumCacheTTL to increase the cache duration when the upstream image does not include Cache-Control header or the value is very low.

  • 你可以配置 deviceSizesimageSizes 以减少可能生成的图片总数。

    ¥You can configure deviceSizes and imageSizes to reduce the total number of possible generated images.

  • 你可以将 formats 配置为禁用多种格式,转而使用单一图片格式。

    ¥You can configure formats to disable multiple formats in favor of a single image format.


你可以为缓存的优化图片配置生存时间 (TTL)(以秒为单位)。在许多情况下,最好使用 静态图片导入,它会自动散列文件内容并使用 immutableCache-Control 标头永久缓存图片。

¥You can configure the Time to Live (TTL) in seconds for cached optimized images. In many cases, it's better to use a Static Image Import which will automatically hash the file contents and cache the image forever with a Cache-Control header of immutable.

module.exports = {
images: {
minimumCacheTTL: 60,

优化映像的过期时间(或更确切地说是最大期限)由 minimumCacheTTL 或上游映像 Cache-Control 标头(以较大者为准)定义。

¥The expiration (or rather Max Age) of the optimized image is defined by either the minimumCacheTTL or the upstream image Cache-Control header, whichever is larger.

如果你需要更改每个图片的缓存行为,你可以配置 headers 以在上游图片上设置 Cache-Control 标头(例如 /some-asset.jpg,而不是 /_next/image 本身)。

¥If you need to change the caching behavior per image, you can configure headers to set the Cache-Control header on the upstream image (e.g. /some-asset.jpg, not /_next/image itself).

此时没有使缓存失效的机制,所以最好保持 minimumCacheTTL 为低电平。否则,你可能需要手动更改 src 属性或删除 <distDir>/cache/images

¥There is no mechanism to invalidate the cache at this time, so its best to keep minimumCacheTTL low. Otherwise you may need to manually change the src prop or delete <distDir>/cache/images.


默认行为允许你导入静态文件(例如 import icon from './icon.png'),然后将其传递给 src 属性。

¥The default behavior allows you to import static files such as import icon from './icon.png' and then pass that to the src property.


¥In some cases, you may wish to disable this feature if it conflicts with other plugins that expect the import to behave differently.

你可以在 next.config.js 内禁用静态图片导入:

¥You can disable static image imports inside your next.config.js:

module.exports = {
images: {
disableStaticImages: true,


由于某些原因,默认 loader 不会优化 SVG 图片。首先,SVG 是一种矢量格式,这意味着它可以无损地调整大小。其次,SVG 具有许多与 HTML/CSS 相同的功能,如果没有适当的 内容安全策略 (CSP) 标头.5,可能会导致漏洞。

¥The default loader does not optimize SVG images for a few reasons. First, SVG is a vector format meaning it can be resized losslessly. Second, SVG has many of the same features as HTML/CSS, which can lead to vulnerabilities without proper Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.

因此,当已知 src 属性是 SVG 时,我们建议使用 unoptimized 属性。当 src".svg" 结尾时,这种情况会自动发生。

¥Therefore, we recommended using the unoptimized prop when the src prop is known to be SVG. This happens automatically when src ends with ".svg".

但是,如果你需要使用默认图片优化 API 提供 SVG 图片,则可以在 next.config.js 中设置 dangerouslyAllowSVG

¥However, if you need to serve SVG images with the default Image Optimization API, you can set dangerouslyAllowSVG inside your next.config.js:

module.exports = {
images: {
dangerouslyAllowSVG: true,
contentDispositionType: 'attachment',
contentSecurityPolicy: "default-src 'self'; script-src 'none'; sandbox;",

此外,强烈建议还设置 contentDispositionType 以强制浏览器下载图片,以及设置 contentSecurityPolicy 以阻止执行图片中嵌入的脚本。

¥In addition, it is strongly recommended to also set contentDispositionType to force the browser to download the image, as well as contentSecurityPolicy to prevent scripts embedded in the image from executing.


默认 loaderContent-Disposition 标头设置为 attachment 以增加保护,因为 API 可以提供任意远程图片。

¥The default loader sets the Content-Disposition header to attachment for added protection since the API can serve arbitrary remote images.

默认值为 attachment,强制浏览器在直接访问时下载图片。当 dangerouslyAllowSVG 为真时,这一点尤为重要。

¥The default value is attachment which forces the browser to download the image when visiting directly. This is particularly important when dangerouslyAllowSVG is true.

你可以选择配置 inline 以允许浏览器在直接访问时渲染图片,而无需下载它。

¥You can optionally configure inline to allow the browser to render the image when visiting directly, without downloading it.

module.exports = {
images: {
contentDispositionType: 'inline',


¥Animated Images

默认 loader 将自动绕过动画图片的图片优化并按原样提供图片。

¥The default loader will automatically bypass Image Optimization for animated images and serve the image as-is.

尽力自动检测动画文件,并支持 GIF、APNG 和 WebP。如果你想明确绕过给定动画图片的图片优化,请使用 unoptimized 属性。

¥Auto-detection for animated files is best-effort and supports GIF, APNG, and WebP. If you want to explicitly bypass Image Optimization for a given animated image, use the unoptimized prop.


¥Responsive Images

默认生成的 srcset 包含 1x2x 图片,以支持不同的设备像素比。但是,你可能希望渲染随视口延伸的响应式图片。在这种情况下,你需要设置 sizesstyle(或 className)。

¥The default generated srcset contains 1x and 2x images in order to support different device pixel ratios. However, you may wish to render a responsive image that stretches with the viewport. In that case, you'll need to set sizes as well as style (or className).


¥You can render a responsive image using one of the following methods below.


¥Responsive image using a static import


¥If the source image is not dynamic, you can statically import to create a responsive image:

import Image from 'next/image'
import me from '../photos/me.jpg'

export default function Author() {
return (
alt="Picture of the author"



¥Try it out:


¥Responsive image with aspect ratio

如果源图片是动态或远程 url,你还需要提供 widthheight 来设置响应图片的正确宽高比:

¥If the source image is a dynamic or a remote url, you will also need to provide width and height to set the correct aspect ratio of the responsive image:

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Page({ photoUrl }) {
return (
alt="Picture of the author"



¥Try it out:

带有 fill 的响应式图片

¥Responsive image with fill

如果你不知道宽高比,则需要设置 fill 属性并在父级上设置 position: relative。或者,你可以根据所需的拉伸与裁剪行为设置 object-fit 样式:

¥If you don't know the aspect ratio, you will need to set the fill prop and set position: relative on the parent. Optionally, you can set object-fit style depending on the desired stretch vs crop behavior:

import Image from 'next/image'

export default function Page({ photoUrl }) {
return (
<div >
alt="Picture of the author"



¥Try it out:

主题检测 CSS

¥Theme Detection CSS

如果你想在浅色和夜间模式下显示不同的图片,你可以创建一个新组件,其中包含两个 <Image> 组件,并根据 CSS 媒体查询显示正确的组件。

¥If you want to display a different image for light and dark mode, you can create a new component that wraps two <Image> components and reveals the correct one based on a CSS media query.

.imgDark {
display: none;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.imgLight {
display: none;
.imgDark {
display: unset;
import styles from './theme-image.module.css'
import Image, { ImageProps } from 'next/image'

type Props = Omit<ImageProps, 'src' | 'priority' | 'loading'> & {
srcLight: string
srcDark: string

const ThemeImage = (props: Props) => {
const { srcLight, srcDark, ...rest } = props

return (
<Image {...rest} src={srcLight} className={styles.imgLight} />
<Image {...rest} src={srcDark} className={styles.imgDark} />
import styles from './theme-image.module.css'
import Image from 'next/image'

const ThemeImage = (props) => {
const { srcLight, srcDark, ...rest } = props

return (
<Image {...rest} src={srcLight} className={styles.imgLight} />
<Image {...rest} src={srcDark} className={styles.imgDark} />

很高兴知道:loading="lazy" 的默认行为可确保仅加载正确的图片。你不能使用 priorityloading="eager",因为这会导致两个图片都加载。相反,你可以使用 fetchPriority="high"

¥Good to know: The default behavior of loading="lazy" ensures that only the correct image is loaded. You cannot use priority or loading="eager" because that would cause both images to load. Instead, you can use fetchPriority="high".


¥Try it out:


对于更高级的用例,你可以调用 getImageProps() 来获取将传递给底层 <img> 元素的 props,然后将它们传递给另一个组件、样式、画布等。

¥For more advanced use cases, you can call getImageProps() to get the props that would be passed to the underlying <img> element, and instead pass to them to another component, style, canvas, etc.

这也避免了调用 React useState(),因此可以带来更好的性能,但它不能与 placeholder 属性一起使用,因为占位符永远不会被删除。

¥This also avoid calling React useState() so it can lead to better performance, but it cannot be used with the placeholder prop because the placeholder will never be removed.


¥Theme Detection Picture

如果你想为亮色和暗色模式显示不同的图片,可以使用 <picture> 元素根据用户的 首选配色方案 显示不同的图片。

¥If you want to display a different image for light and dark mode, you can use the <picture> element to display a different image based on the user's preferred color scheme.

import { getImageProps } from 'next/image'

export default function Page() {
const common = { alt: 'Theme Example', width: 800, height: 400 }
const {
props: { srcSet: dark },
} = getImageProps({ ...common, src: '/dark.png' })
const {
props: { srcSet: light, ...rest },
} = getImageProps({ ...common, src: '/light.png' })

return (
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcSet={dark} />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcSet={light} />
<img {...rest} />


¥Art Direction

如果你想为移动设备和桌面设备显示不同的图片(有时称为 艺术方向),你可以为 getImageProps() 提供不同的 srcwidthheightquality 属性。

¥If you want to display a different image for mobile and desktop, sometimes called Art Direction, you can provide different src, width, height, and quality props to getImageProps().

import { getImageProps } from 'next/image'

export default function Home() {
const common = { alt: 'Art Direction Example', sizes: '100vw' }
const {
props: { srcSet: desktop },
} = getImageProps({
width: 1440,
height: 875,
quality: 80,
src: '/desktop.jpg',
const {
props: { srcSet: mobile, ...rest },
} = getImageProps({
width: 750,
height: 1334,
quality: 70,
src: '/mobile.jpg',

return (
<source media="(min-width: 1000px)" srcSet={desktop} />
<source media="(min-width: 500px)" srcSet={mobile} />
<img {...rest} />

背景 CSS

¥Background CSS

你甚至可以将 srcSet 字符串转换为 image-set() CSS 函数来优化背景图片。

¥You can even convert the srcSet string to the image-set() CSS function to optimize a background image.

import { getImageProps } from 'next/image'

function getBackgroundImage(srcSet = '') {
const imageSet = srcSet
.split(', ')
.map((str) => {
const [url, dpi] = str.split(' ')
return `url("${url}") ${dpi}`
.join(', ')
return `image-set(${imageSet})`

export default function Home() {
const {
props: { srcSet },
} = getImageProps({ alt: '', width: 128, height: 128, src: '/img.png' })
const backgroundImage = getBackgroundImage(srcSet)
const style = { height: '100vh', width: '100vw', backgroundImage }

return (
<main >
<h1>Hello World</h1>


¥Known Browser Bugs

next/image 组件使用浏览器原生 延迟加载,对于 Safari 15.4 之前的旧版浏览器,可能会回退到预加载。使用模糊占位符时,Safari 12 之前的旧版浏览器将回退到空占位符。当使用 width/heightauto 的样式时,可能会在 Safari 15 之前的旧浏览器上导致 布局转变,而不会出现 保持纵横比。详细信息请参见 这个 MDN 视频

¥This next/image component uses browser native lazy loading, which may fallback to eager loading for older browsers before Safari 15.4. When using the blur-up placeholder, older browsers before Safari 12 will fallback to empty placeholder. When using styles with width/height of auto, it is possible to cause Layout Shift on older browsers before Safari 15 that don't preserve the aspect ratio. For more details, see this MDN video.

  • 狩猎 15 - 16.3 在加载时显示灰色边框。Safari 16.4 已修复此问题。可能的解决方案:

    ¥Safari 15 - 16.3 display a gray border while loading. Safari 16.4 fixed this issue. Possible solutions:

    • 使用 CSS @supports (font: -apple-system-body) and (-webkit-appearance: none) { img[loading="lazy"] { clip-path: inset(0.6px) } }

      ¥Use CSS @supports (font: -apple-system-body) and (-webkit-appearance: none) { img[loading="lazy"] { clip-path: inset(0.6px) } }

    • 如果图片位于首屏,则使用 priority

      ¥Use priority if the image is above the fold

  • 火狐浏览器 67+ 在加载时显示白色背景。可能的解决方案:

    ¥Firefox 67+ displays a white background while loading. Possible solutions:


¥Version History

v15.0.0contentDispositionType 配置默认更改为 attachment
v14.2.15添加了 decoding prop 并添加了 localPatterns 配置。
v14.2.14添加了 remotePatterns.search 属性。
v14.2.0添加了 overrideSrc 属性。
v14.1.0getImageProps() 稳定。
v14.0.0onLoadingComplete 属性和 domains 配置已弃用。
v13.4.14placeholder 支持 data:/image...
v13.2.0添加了 contentDispositionType 配置。
v13.0.6添加了 ref 属性。
v13.0.0next/image 导入已重命名为 next/legacy/imagenext/future/image 导入已重命名为 next/image代码模式可用 可以安全、自动地重命名你的导入。<span> 封装纸已拆除。layoutobjectFitobjectPositionlazyBoundarylazyRoot 属性已移除。alt 为必填项。onLoadingComplete 接收对 img 元素的引用。内置加载器配置已删除。
v12.3.0remotePatternsunoptimized 配置稳定。
v12.2.0添加了实验性 remotePatterns 和实验性 unoptimized 配置。layout="raw" 已删除。
v12.1.1添加了 style 属性。添加了对 layout="raw" 的实验支持。
v12.1.0添加了 dangerouslyAllowSVGcontentSecurityPolicy 配置。
v12.0.9添加了 lazyRoot 属性。
v12.0.0添加了 formats 配置。添加了
AVIF 支持。
Wrapper <div> 更改为 <span>
v11.1.0添加了 onLoadingCompletelazyBoundary 属性。
v11.0.0src 属性支持静态导入。添加了
placeholder 属性。添加了
blurDataURL 属性。
v10.0.5添加了 loader 属性。
v10.0.1添加了 layout 属性。
v10.0.0next/image 推出。