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¥Source Maps are enabled by default during development. During production builds, they are disabled to prevent you leaking your source on the client, unless you specifically opt-in with the configuration flag.

Next.js 提供了一个配置标志,你可以使用它在生产构建期间启用浏览器源映射生成:

¥Next.js provides a configuration flag you can use to enable browser source map generation during the production build:

module.exports = {
  productionBrowserSourceMaps: true,

当启用 productionBrowserSourceMaps 选项时,源映射将输出到与 JavaScript 文件相同的目录中。Next.js 将根据请求自动提供这些文件。

¥When the productionBrowserSourceMaps option is enabled, the source maps will be output in the same directory as the JavaScript files. Next.js will automatically serve these files when requested.

  • 添加源映射可以增加 next build 时间

    ¥Adding source maps can increase next build time

  • 增加 next build 期间的内存使用量

    ¥Increases memory usage during next build

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