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AMP 支持是我们的高级功能之一,你可以 在此处阅读有关 AMP 的更多信息

¥AMP support is one of our advanced features, you can read more about AMP here.

要启用 AMP,请将以下配置添加到你的页面:

¥To enable AMP, add the following config to your page:

export const config = { amp: true }

amp 配置接受以下值:

¥The amp config accepts the following values:

  • true - 该页面将仅包含 AMP

    ¥true - The page will be AMP-only

  • 'hybrid' - 该页面将有两个版本,一种使用 AMP,另一种使用 HTML

    ¥'hybrid' - The page will have two versions, one with AMP and another one with HTML

要了解有关 amp 配置的更多信息,请阅读以下部分。

¥To learn more about the amp config, read the sections below.

AMP 首页

¥AMP First Page


¥Take a look at the following example:

export const config = { amp: true }

function About(props) {
  return <h3>My AMP About Page!</h3>

export default About

上面的页面是仅 AMP 页面,这意味着:

¥The page above is an AMP-only page, which means:

  • 该页面没有 Next.js 或 React 客户端运行时

    ¥The page has no Next.js or React client-side runtime

  • 该页面使用 AMP 优化器 自动优化,该优化器应用与 AMP 缓存相同的转换(性能提高高达 42%)

    ¥The page is automatically optimized with AMP Optimizer, an optimizer that applies the same transformations as AMP caches (improves performance by up to 42%)

  • 该页面具有用户可访问(优化)版本的页面和搜索引擎可索引(未优化)版本的页面

    ¥The page has a user-accessible (optimized) version of the page and a search-engine indexable (unoptimized) version of the page

混合 AMP 页面

¥Hybrid AMP Page


¥Take a look at the following example:

import { useAmp } from 'next/amp'

export const config = { amp: 'hybrid' }

function About(props) {
  const isAmp = useAmp()

  return (
      <h3>My AMP About Page!</h3>
      {isAmp ? (
          alt="a cool image"
      ) : (
        <img width="300" height="300" src="/my-img.jpg" alt="a cool image" />

export default About

上面的页面是一个混合 AMP 页面,这意味着:

¥The page above is a hybrid AMP page, which means:

  • 页面渲染为传统 HTML(默认)和 AMP HTML(通过将 ?amp=1 添加到 URL)

    ¥The page is rendered as traditional HTML (default) and AMP HTML (by adding ?amp=1 to the URL)

  • 页面的 AMP 版本仅具有使用 AMP 优化器应用的有效优化,以便搜索引擎可以对其进行索引

    ¥The AMP version of the page only has valid optimizations applied with AMP Optimizer so that it is indexable by search-engines

该页面使用 useAmp 来区分模式,如果页面使用 AMP,则返回 true,否则返回 false

¥The page uses useAmp to differentiate between modes, it's a React Hook that returns true if the page is using AMP, and false otherwise.

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