

staticGeneration* 选项允许你为高级用例配置静态生成过程。

¥The staticGeneration* options allow you to configure the Static Generation process for advanced use cases.

import type { NextConfig } from 'next'

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
experimental: {
staticGenerationRetryCount: 1,
staticGenerationMaxConcurrency: 8,
staticGenerationMinPagesPerWorker: 25,

export default nextConfig
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
staticGenerationRetryCount: 1,
staticGenerationMaxConcurrency: 8,
staticGenerationMinPagesPerWorker: 25,

export default nextConfig


¥Config Options


¥The following options are available:

  • staticGenerationRetryCount:在构建失败之前重试失败的页面生成的次数。

    ¥staticGenerationRetryCount: The number of times to retry a failed page generation before failing the build.

  • staticGenerationMaxConcurrency:每个工作器要处理的最大页面数。

    ¥staticGenerationMaxConcurrency: The maximum number of pages to be processed per worker.

  • staticGenerationMinPagesPerWorker:在启动新工作器之前要处理的最小页面数。

    ¥staticGenerationMinPagesPerWorker: The minimum number of pages to be processed before starting a new worker.