

unauthorized 函数会抛出错误,并渲染 Next.js 401 错误页面。它对于处理应用中的授权错误很有用。你可以使用 unauthorized.js file 自定义 UI。

¥The unauthorized function throws an error that renders a Next.js 401 error page. It's useful for handling authorization errors in your application. You can customize the UI using the unauthorized.js file.

要开始使用 unauthorized,请在 next.config.js 文件中启用实验性的 authInterrupts 配置选项:

¥To start using unauthorized, enable the experimental authInterrupts configuration option in your next.config.js file:

import type { NextConfig } from 'next'

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
experimental: {
authInterrupts: true,

export default nextConfig
module.exports = {
experimental: {
authInterrupts: true,

unauthorized 可以在 服务器组件服务器操作路由处理程序 中调用。

¥unauthorized can be invoked in Server Components, Server Actions, and Route Handlers.

import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export default async function DashboardPage() {
const session = await verifySession()

if (!session) {

// Render the dashboard for authenticated users
return (
<h1>Welcome to the Dashboard</h1>
<p>Hi, {session.user.name}.</p>
import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export default async function DashboardPage() {
const session = await verifySession()

if (!session) {

// Render the dashboard for authenticated users
return (
<h1>Welcome to the Dashboard</h1>
<p>Hi, {session.user.name}.</p>


¥Good to know

  • unauthorized 函数无法在 根布局 中调用。

    ¥The unauthorized function cannot be called in the root layout.



向未经身份验证的用户显示登录 UI

¥Displaying login UI to unauthenticated users

你可以使用 unauthorized 函数通过登录 UI 显示 unauthorized.js 文件。

¥You can use unauthorized function to display the unauthorized.js file with a login UI.

import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export default async function DashboardPage() {
const session = await verifySession()

if (!session) {

return <div>Dashboard</div>
import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export default async function DashboardPage() {
const session = await verifySession()

if (!session) {

return <div>Dashboard</div>
import Login from '@/app/components/Login'

export default function UnauthorizedPage() {
return (
<h1>401 - Unauthorized</h1>
<p>Please log in to access this page.</p>
<Login />
import Login from '@/app/components/Login'

export default function UnauthorizedPage() {
return (
<h1>401 - Unauthorized</h1>
<p>Please log in to access this page.</p>
<Login />


¥Mutations with Server Actions

你可以在服务器操作中调用 unauthorized,以确保只有经过身份验证的用户才能执行特定的修改。

¥You can invoke unauthorized in Server Actions to ensure only authenticated users can perform specific mutations.

'use server'

import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'
import db from '@/app/lib/db'

export async function updateProfile(data: FormData) {
const session = await verifySession()

// If the user is not authenticated, return a 401
if (!session) {

// Proceed with mutation
// ...
'use server'

import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'
import db from '@/app/lib/db'

export async function updateProfile(data) {
const session = await verifySession()

// If the user is not authenticated, return a 401
if (!session) {

// Proceed with mutation
// ...


¥Fetching data with Route Handlers

你可以在路由处理程序中使用 unauthorized,以确保只有经过身份验证的用户才能访问端点。

¥You can use unauthorized in Route Handlers to ensure only authenticated users can access the endpoint.

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export async function GET(req: NextRequest): Promise<NextResponse> {
// Verify the user's session
const session = await verifySession()

// If no session exists, return a 401 and render unauthorized.tsx
if (!session) {

// Fetch data
// ...
import { verifySession } from '@/app/lib/dal'
import { unauthorized } from 'next/navigation'

export async function GET() {
const session = await verifySession()

// If the user is not authenticated, return a 401 and render unauthorized.tsx
if (!session) {

// Fetch data
// ...


¥Version History

v15.1.0unauthorized 推出。