ESLint 插件
Next.js 提供了一个 ESLint 插件 eslint-plugin-next
,它已打包在基本配置中,可以捕获 Next.js 应用中的常见问题和问题。
¥Next.js provides an ESLint plugin, eslint-plugin-next
, already bundled within the base configuration that makes it possible to catch common issues and problems in a Next.js application.
以下 ESLint 插件推荐的规则集均在 eslint-config-next
¥Recommended rule-sets from the following ESLint plugins are all used within eslint-config-next
这将优先于 next.config.js
¥This will take precedence over the configuration from next.config.js
¥The full set of rules is as follows:
我们建议在开发过程中使用适当的 integration 直接在代码编辑器中查看警告和错误。
¥We recommend using an appropriate integration to view warnings and errors directly in your code editor during development.
对自定义目录和文件进行 Lint 处理
¥Linting custom directories and files
默认情况下,Next.js 将为 pages/
和 src/
目录中的所有文件运行 ESLint。但是,你可以使用 next.config.js
中 eslint
配置中的 dirs
¥By default, Next.js will run ESLint for all files in the pages/
, app/
, components/
, lib/
, and src/
directories. However, you can specify which directories using the dirs
option in the eslint
config in next.config.js
for production builds:
module.exports = {
eslint: {
dirs: ['pages', 'utils'], // Only run ESLint on the 'pages' and 'utils' directories during production builds (next build)
和 --file
标志可用于 next lint
对特定目录和文件进行 lint 检测:
¥Similarly, the --dir
and --file
flags can be used for next lint
to lint specific directories and files:
next lint --dir pages --dir utils --file bar.js
在指定根目录中 monorepo
¥Specifying a root directory within a monorepo
如果你在根目录中未安装 Next.js 的项目(例如 monorepo)中使用 eslint-plugin-next
,则可以使用 .eslintrc
中的 settings
属性告诉 eslint-plugin-next
在哪里找到 Next.js 应用:
¥If you're using eslint-plugin-next
in a project where Next.js isn't installed in your root directory (such as a monorepo), you can tell eslint-plugin-next
where to find your Next.js application using the settings
property in your .eslintrc
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['next'],
settings: {
next: {
rootDir: 'packages/my-app/',
export default eslintConfig
可以是路径(相对或绝对)、glob(即 "packages/*/"
)或路径和/或 glob 的数组。
can be a path (relative or absolute), a glob (i.e. "packages/*/"
), or an array of paths and/or globs.
¥Disabling the cache
为了提高性能,默认情况下会缓存 ESLint 处理的文件信息。它存储在 .next/cache
或你定义的 构建目录 中。如果你包含的任何 ESLint 规则不仅仅依赖于单个源文件的内容并且需要禁用缓存,请将 --no-cache
标志与 next lint
¥To improve performance, information of files processed by ESLint are cached by default. This is stored in .next/cache
or in your defined build directory. If you include any ESLint rules that depend on more than the contents of a single source file and need to disable the cache, use the --no-cache
flag with next lint
next lint --no-cache
¥Disabling rules
)提供的任何规则,你可以使用 .eslintrc
中的 rules
¥If you would like to modify or disable any rules provided by the supported plugins (react
, react-hooks
, next
), you can directly change them using the rules
property in your .eslintrc
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['next'],
rules: {
'react/no-unescaped-entities': 'off',
'@next/next/no-page-custom-font': 'off',
export default eslintConfig
使用核心 Web 生命力
¥With Core Web Vitals
首次运行 next lint
并选择严格选项时,启用 next/core-web-vitals
¥The next/core-web-vitals
rule set is enabled when next lint
is run for the first time and the strict option is selected.
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['next/core-web-vitals'],
export default eslintConfig
将 eslint-plugin-next
更新为在许多规则上出错,如果这些规则影响 核心网络生命力,则默认情况下会发出警告。
updates eslint-plugin-next
to error on a number of rules that are warnings by default if they affect Core Web Vitals.
对于使用 创建 Next 应用 构建的新应用,会自动包含
entry point is automatically included for new applications built with Create Next App.
使用 TypeScript
¥With TypeScript
除了 Next.js ESLint 规则之外,create-next-app --typescript
还将使用 next/typescript
将特定于 TypeScript 的 lint 规则添加到你的配置中:
¥In addition to the Next.js ESLint rules, create-next-app --typescript
will also add TypeScript-specific lint rules with next/typescript
to your config:
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['next/core-web-vitals', 'next/typescript'],
export default eslintConfig
这些规则基于 plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended
。详细信息请参见 typescript-eslint > 配置。
¥Those rules are based on plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended
See typescript-eslint > Configs for more details.
使用 Prettier
¥With Prettier
ESLint 还包含代码格式化规则,这可能与你现有的 Prettier 设置冲突。我们建议在 ESLint 配置中包含 eslint-config-prettier,以使 ESLint 和 Prettier 协同工作。
¥ESLint also contains code formatting rules, which can conflict with your existing Prettier setup. We recommend including eslint-config-prettier in your ESLint config to make ESLint and Prettier work together.
¥First, install the dependency:
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
yarn add --dev eslint-config-prettier
pnpm add --save-dev eslint-config-prettier
bun add --dev eslint-config-prettier
然后,将 prettier
添加到现有的 ESLint 配置中:
¥Then, add prettier
to your existing ESLint config:
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['next', 'prettier'],
export default eslintConfig
在暂存文件上运行 lint
¥Running lint on staged files
如果你想使用 next lint
和 lint-staged 在暂存的 git 文件上运行 linter,则必须将以下内容添加到项目根目录中的 .lintstagedrc.js
文件中,以便指定 --file
¥If you would like to use next lint
with lint-staged to run the linter on staged git files, you'll have to add the following to the .lintstagedrc.js
file in the root of your project in order to specify usage of the --file
const path = require('path')
const buildEslintCommand = (filenames) =>
`next lint --fix --file ${filenames
.map((f) => path.relative(process.cwd(), f))
.join(' --file ')}`
module.exports = {
'*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}': [buildEslintCommand],
在生产构建期间禁用 linting
¥Disabling linting during production builds
如果你不希望 ESLint 在 next build
期间运行,你可以将 next.config.js
中的 eslint.ignoreDuringBuilds
选项设置为 true
¥If you do not want ESLint to run during next build
, you can set the eslint.ignoreDuringBuilds
option in next.config.js
to true
import type { NextConfig } from 'next'
const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
eslint: {
// Warning: This allows production builds to successfully complete even if
// your project has ESLint errors.
ignoreDuringBuilds: true,
export default nextConfig
const nextConfig = {
eslint: {
// Warning: This allows production builds to successfully complete even if
// your project has ESLint errors.
ignoreDuringBuilds: true,
export default nextConfig
¥Migrating existing config
如果你已经在应用中配置了 ESLint,我们建议直接从此插件扩展,而不是包含 eslint-config-next
¥If you already have ESLint configured in your application, we recommend extending from this plugin directly instead of including eslint-config-next
unless a few conditions are met.
¥Recommended plugin ruleset
¥If the following conditions are true:
)):¥You have one or more of the following plugins already installed (either separately or through a different config such as
你定义了与 Next.js 中 Babel 的配置方式不同的特定
(除非你有 定制你的 Babel 配置,否则不建议这样做)¥You've defined specific
that are different from how Babel is configured within Next.js (this is not recommended unless you have customized your Babel configuration) -
,并定义了 Node.js 和/或 TypeScript resolvers 来处理导入¥You have
installed with Node.js and/or TypeScript resolvers defined to handle imports
然后,如果你更喜欢在 eslint-config-next
中配置这些属性,我们建议你删除这些设置,或者直接从 Next.js ESLint 插件扩展:
¥Then we recommend either removing these settings if you prefer how these properties have been configured within eslint-config-next
or extending directly from the Next.js ESLint plugin instead:
module.exports = {
extends: [
该插件可以正常安装在你的项目中,无需运行 next lint
¥The plugin can be installed normally in your project without needing to run next lint
npm install --save-dev @next/eslint-plugin-next
yarn add --dev @next/eslint-plugin-next
pnpm add --save-dev @next/eslint-plugin-next
bun add --dev @next/eslint-plugin-next
¥This eliminates the risk of collisions or errors that can occur due to importing the same plugin or parser across multiple configurations.
¥Additional configurations
如果你已经使用单独的 ESLint 配置并希望包含 eslint-config-next
¥If you already use a separate ESLint configuration and want to include eslint-config-next
, ensure that it is extended last after other configurations. For example:
import js from '@eslint/js'
import { FlatCompat } from '@eslint/eslintrc'
const compat = new FlatCompat({
// import.meta.dirname is available after Node.js v20.11.0
baseDirectory: import.meta.dirname,
recommendedConfig: js.configs.recommended,
const eslintConfig = [
extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'next'],
export default eslintConfig
配置已处理 parser
和 settings
¥The next
configuration already handles setting default values for the parser
, plugins
and settings
properties. There is no need to manually re-declare any of these properties unless you need a different configuration for your use case.
如果你包含任何其他可共享配置,则需要确保这些属性不会被覆盖或修改。否则,我们建议删除与 next
配置共享行为或直接从 Next.js ESLint 插件扩展的任何配置,如上所述。
¥If you include any other shareable configurations, you will need to make sure that these properties are not overwritten or modified. Otherwise, we recommend removing any configurations that share behavior with the next
configuration or extending directly from the Next.js ESLint plugin as mentioned above.