如何升级到 Next.js Canary
Next.js 预览版通道每天更新最新的实验性功能和错误修复。这是在稳定版本发布之前试用新功能和 提供反馈 的好方法。
¥The Next.js canary channel is updated daily with the latest experimental features and bug fixes. It's a great way to try out new features and give feedback before they are released in a stable version.
要升级到 canary,请确保你使用的是最新版本的 Next.js 并且一切正常。请参阅 升级指南 了解更多信息。
¥To upgrade to canary, make sure you're on the latest version of Next.js and everything is working as expected. See the upgrade guides for more information.
¥Then, run the following command:
npm i next@canary
# or
yarn add next@canary
# or
pnpm i next@canary
canary 中可用的功能
¥Features available in canary
canary 中目前提供以下功能:
¥The following features are currently available in canary: