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版本 15

¥Version 15

从 14 升级到 15

¥Upgrading from 14 to 15

要更新到 Next.js 版本 15,你可以使用 upgrade codemod:

¥To update to Next.js version 15, you can use the upgrade codemod:

npx @next/codemod@canary upgrade latest

如果你更喜欢手动执行此操作,请确保你安装了最新的 Next 和 React 版本:

¥If you prefer to do it manually, ensure that you're installing the latest Next & React versions:

npm i next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest eslint-config-next@latest


¥Good to know:

  • 如果你看到对等依赖警告,则可能需要将 reactreact-dom 更新为建议的版本,或者使用 --force--legacy-peer-deps 标志忽略警告。一旦 Next.js 15 和 React 19 都稳定下来,这将不再必要。

    ¥If you see a peer dependencies warning, you may need to update react and react-dom to the suggested versions, or you use the --force or --legacy-peer-deps flag to ignore the warning. This won't be necessary once both Next.js 15 and React 19 are stable.

React 19

  • reactreact-dom 的最低版本现在为 19。

    ¥The minimum versions of react and react-dom is now 19.

  • useFormState 已被 useActionState 取代。useFormState 钩子在 React 19 中仍然可用,但已被弃用,并将在未来版本中删除。建议使用 useActionState,它包含其他属性,例如直接读取 pending 状态。了解更多

    ¥useFormState has been replaced by useActionState. The useFormState hook is still available in React 19, but it is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. useActionState is recommended and includes additional properties like reading the pending state directly. Learn more.

  • useFormStatus 现在包含其他密钥,如 datamethodaction。如果你没有使用 React 19,则只有 pending 键可用。了解更多

    ¥useFormStatus now includes additional keys like data, method, and action. If you are not using React 19, only the pending key is available. Learn more.

  • React 19 升级指南 中阅读更多内容。

    ¥Read more in the React 19 upgrade guide.

需要了解:如果你使用 TypeScript,请确保还将 @types/react@types/react-dom 升级到最新版本。

¥Good to know: If you are using TypeScript, ensure you also upgrade @types/react and @types/react-dom to their latest versions.

异步请求 API(重大更改)

¥Async Request APIs (Breaking change)

以前依赖于运行时信息的同步动态 API 现在是异步的:

¥Previously synchronous Dynamic APIs that rely on runtime information are now asynchronous:

为了减轻迁移负担,可以使用 代码模式可用 来自动化该过程,并且可以暂时同步访问 API。

¥To ease the burden of migration, a codemod is available to automate the process and the APIs can temporarily be accessed synchronously.


¥Recommended Async Usage

import { cookies } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const cookieStore = cookies()
const token = cookieStore.get('token')

// After
const cookieStore = await cookies()
const token = cookieStore.get('token')


¥Temporary Synchronous Usage

import { cookies, type UnsafeUnwrappedCookies } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const cookieStore = cookies()
const token = cookieStore.get('token')

// After
const cookieStore = cookies() as unknown as UnsafeUnwrappedCookies
// will log a warning in dev
const token = cookieStore.get('token')
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const cookieStore = cookies()
const token = cookieStore.get('token')

// After
const cookieStore = cookies()
// will log a warning in dev
const token = cookieStore.get('token')


¥Recommended Async Usage

import { headers } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const headersList = headers()
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')

// After
const headersList = await headers()
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')


¥Temporary Synchronous Usage

import { headers, type UnsafeUnwrappedHeaders } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const headersList = headers()
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')

// After
const headersList = headers() as unknown as UnsafeUnwrappedHeaders
// will log a warning in dev
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')
import { headers } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const headersList = headers()
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')

// After
const headersList = headers()
// will log a warning in dev
const userAgent = headersList.get('user-agent')


¥Recommended Async Usage

import { draftMode } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const { isEnabled } = draftMode()

// After
const { isEnabled } = await draftMode()


¥Temporary Synchronous Usage

import { draftMode, type UnsafeUnwrappedDraftMode } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const { isEnabled } = draftMode()

// After
// will log a warning in dev
const { isEnabled } = draftMode() as unknown as UnsafeUnwrappedDraftMode
import { draftMode } from 'next/headers'

// Before
const { isEnabled } = draftMode()

// After
// will log a warning in dev
const { isEnabled } = draftMode()

params & searchParams


¥Asynchronous Layout

// Before
type Params = { slug: string }

export function generateMetadata({ params }: { params: Params }) {
  const { slug } = params

export default async function Layout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  params: Params
}) {
  const { slug } = params

// After
type Params = Promise<{ slug: string }>

export async function generateMetadata({ params }: { params: Params }) {
  const { slug } = await params

export default async function Layout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  params: Params
}) {
  const { slug } = await params
// Before
export function generateMetadata({ params }) {
  const { slug } = params

export default async function Layout({ children, params }) {
  const { slug } = params

// After
export async function generateMetadata({ params }) {
  const { slug } = await params

export default async function Layout({ children, params }) {
  const { slug } = await params


¥Synchronous Layout

// Before
type Params = { slug: string }

export default function Layout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  params: Params
}) {
  const { slug } = params

// After
import { use } from 'react'

type Params = Promise<{ slug: string }>

export default function Layout(props: {
  children: React.ReactNode
  params: Params
}) {
  const params = use(props.params)
  const slug = params.slug
// Before
export default function Layout({ children, params }) {
  const { slug } = params

// After
import { use } from 'react'
export default async function Layout(props) {
  const params = use(props.params)
  const slug = params.slug


¥Asynchronous Page

// Before
type Params = { slug: string }
type SearchParams = { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }

export function generateMetadata({
}: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

export default async function Page({
}: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

// After
type Params = Promise<{ slug: string }>
type SearchParams = Promise<{ [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }>

export async function generateMetadata(props: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const params = await props.params
  const searchParams = await props.searchParams
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query

export default async function Page(props: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const params = await props.params
  const searchParams = await props.searchParams
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query
// Before
export function generateMetadata({ params, searchParams }) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

export default function Page({ params, searchParams }) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

// After
export async function generateMetadata(props) {
  const params = await props.params
  const searchParams = await props.searchParams
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query

export async function Page(props) {
  const params = await props.params
  const searchParams = await props.searchParams
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query


¥Synchronous Page

'use client'

// Before
type Params = { slug: string }
type SearchParams = { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }

export default function Page({
}: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

// After
import { use } from 'react'

type Params = Promise<{ slug: string }>
type SearchParams = Promise<{ [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }>

export default function Page(props: {
  params: Params
  searchParams: SearchParams
}) {
  const params = use(props.params)
  const searchParams = use(props.searchParams)
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query
// Before
export default function Page({ params, searchParams }) {
  const { slug } = params
  const { query } = searchParams

// After
import { use } from "react"

export default function Page(props) {
  const params = use(props.params)
  const searchParams = use(props.searchParams)
  const slug = params.slug
  const query = searchParams.query


¥Route Handlers

// Before
type Params = { slug: string }

export async function GET(request: Request, segmentData: { params: Params }) {
  const params = segmentData.params
  const slug = params.slug

// After
type Params = Promise<{ slug: string }>

export async function GET(request: Request, segmentData: { params: Params }) {
  const params = await segmentData.params
  const slug = params.slug
// Before
export async function GET(request, segmentData) {
  const params = segmentData.params
  const slug = params.slug

// After
export async function GET(request, segmentData) {
  const params = await segmentData.params
  const slug = params.slug

runtime 配置(重大更改)

¥runtime configuration (Breaking change)

runtime 分段配置 以前除了 edge 之外还支持 experimental-edge 值。两种配置都引用同一件事,为了简化选项,如果使用 experimental-edge,我们现在会出错。要解决此问题,请将 runtime 配置更新为 edgecodemod 可用于自动执行此操作。

¥The runtime segment configuration previously supported a value of experimental-edge in addition to edge. Both configurations refer to the same thing, and to simplify the options, we will now error if experimental-edge is used. To fix this, update your runtime configuration to edge. A codemod is available to automatically do this.

fetch 请求

¥fetch requests

fetch 请求 不再默认缓存。

¥fetch requests are no longer cached by default.

要将特定的 fetch 请求选择为缓存,你可以传递 cache: 'force-cache' 选项。

¥To opt specific fetch requests into caching, you can pass the cache: 'force-cache' option.

export default async function RootLayout() {
  const a = await fetch('https://...') // Not Cached
  const b = await fetch('https://...', { cache: 'force-cache' }) // Cached

  // ...

要将布局或页面中的所有 fetch 请求选择为缓存,你可以使用 export const fetchCache = 'default-cache' 段配置选项。如果单个 fetch 请求指定了 cache 选项,则将改用该选项。

¥To opt all fetch requests in a layout or page into caching, you can use the export const fetchCache = 'default-cache' segment config option. If individual fetch requests specify a cache option, that will be used instead.

// Since this is the root layout, all fetch requests in the app
// that don't set their own cache option will be cached.
export const fetchCache = 'default-cache'

export default async function RootLayout() {
  const a = await fetch('https://...') // Cached
  const b = await fetch('https://...', { cache: 'no-store' }) // Not cached

  // ...


¥Route Handlers

路由处理程序 中的 GET 功能不再默认缓存。要将 GET 方法选择为缓存,你可以在路由处理程序文件中使用 路由配置选项(例如 export const dynamic = 'force-static')。

¥GET functions in Route Handlers are no longer cached by default. To opt GET methods into caching, you can use a route config option such as export const dynamic = 'force-static' in your Route Handler file.

export const dynamic = 'force-static'

export async function GET() {}


¥Client-side Router Cache

通过 <Link>useRouter 在页面之间导航时,page 段不再从客户端路由缓存中重用。但是,它们在浏览器前后导航期间以及共享布局中仍会被重用。

¥When navigating between pages via <Link> or useRouter, page segments are no longer reused from the client-side router cache. However, they are still reused during browser backward and forward navigation and for shared layouts.

要将页面段选择为缓存,你可以使用 staleTimes 配置选项:

¥To opt page segments into caching, you can use the staleTimes config option:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  experimental: {
    staleTimes: {
      dynamic: 30,
      static: 180,

module.exports = nextConfig

布局加载状态 仍被缓存并在导航时重用。

¥Layouts and loading states are still cached and reused on navigation.


@next/font 包已被删除,取而代之的是内置的 next/font代码模式可用 可以安全、自动地重命名你的导入。

¥The @next/font package has been removed in favor of the built-in next/font. A codemod is available to safely and automatically rename your imports.

// Before
import { Inter } from '@next/font/google'

// After
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google'


experimental.bundlePagesExternals 现已稳定并重命名为 bundlePagesRouterDependencies

¥experimental.bundlePagesExternals is now stable and renamed to bundlePagesRouterDependencies.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  // Before
  experimental: {
    bundlePagesExternals: true,

  // After
  bundlePagesRouterDependencies: true,

module.exports = nextConfig


experimental.serverComponentsExternalPackages 现已稳定并重命名为 serverExternalPackages

¥experimental.serverComponentsExternalPackages is now stable and renamed to serverExternalPackages.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  // Before
  experimental: {
    serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['package-name'],

  // After
  serverExternalPackages: ['package-name'],

module.exports = nextConfig


¥Speed Insights

Next.js 15 中删除了 Speed Insights 的自动检测。

¥Auto instrumentation for Speed Insights was removed in Next.js 15.

要继续使用 Speed Insights,请遵循 Vercel Speed Insights 快速入门 指南。

¥To continue using Speed Insights, follow the Vercel Speed Insights Quickstart guide.

NextRequest 地理位置

¥NextRequest Geolocation

NextRequest 上的 geoip 属性已被删除,因为这些值由你的托管服务提供商提供。codemod 可用于自动执行此迁移。

¥The geo and ip properties on NextRequest have been removed as these values are provided by your hosting provider. A codemod is available to automate this migration.

如果你使用的是 Vercel,则可以选择使用 @vercel/functions 中的 geolocationipAddress 函数:

¥If you are using Vercel, you can alternatively use the geolocation and ipAddress functions from @vercel/functions instead:

import { geolocation } from '@vercel/functions'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const { city } = geolocation(request)

  // ...
import { ipAddress } from '@vercel/functions'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const ip = ipAddress(request)

  // ...

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