
持续集成 (CI) 构建缓存

为了提高构建性能,Next.js 将缓存保存到 .next/cache,以便在构建之间共享。

¥To improve build performance, Next.js saves a cache to .next/cache that is shared between builds.

要在持续集成 (CI) 环境中利用此缓存,你的 CI 工作流程需要配置为在构建之间正确保留缓存。

¥To take advantage of this cache in Continuous Integration (CI) environments, your CI workflow will need to be configured to correctly persist the cache between builds.

如果你的 CI 未配置为在构建之间保留 .next/cache,你可能会看到 未检测到缓存 错误。

¥If your CI is not configured to persist .next/cache between builds, you may see a No Cache Detected error.

以下是常见 CI 提供商的一些缓存配置示例:

¥Here are some example cache configurations for common CI providers:


Next.js 缓存会自动为你配置。你无需执行任何操作。如果你在 Vercel 上使用 Turborepo,请使用 在此了解更多信息

¥Next.js caching is automatically configured for you. There's no action required on your part. If you are using Turborepo on Vercel, learn more here.


编辑 .circleci/config.yml 中的 save_cache 步骤以包含 .next/cache

¥Edit your save_cache step in .circleci/config.yml to include .next/cache:

- save_cache:
key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
- ./node_modules
- ./.next/cache

如果你没有 save_cache 密钥,请按照 CircleCI 的 有关设置构建缓存的文档 进行操作。

¥If you do not have a save_cache key, please follow CircleCI's documentation on setting up build caching.

Travis CI

将以下内容添加或合并到你的 .travis.yml 中:

¥Add or merge the following into your .travis.yml:

- $HOME/.cache/yarn
- node_modules
- .next/cache

GitLab 持续集成

¥GitLab CI

将以下内容添加或合并到你的 .gitlab-ci.yml 中:

¥Add or merge the following into your .gitlab-ci.yml:

- node_modules/
- .next/cache/

Netlify CI

Netlify 插件@netlify/plugin-nextjs 一起使用。

¥Use Netlify Plugins with @netlify/plugin-nextjs.

AWS 代码构建

¥AWS CodeBuild

将以下内容添加(或合并)到你的 buildspec.yml 中:

¥Add (or merge in) the following to your buildspec.yml:

- 'node_modules/**/*' # Cache `node_modules` for faster `yarn` or `npm i`
- '.next/cache/**/*' # Cache Next.js for faster application rebuilds

GitHub Actions

使用 GitHub 的 actions/cache,在工作流程文件中添加以下步骤:

¥Using GitHub's actions/cache, add the following step in your workflow file:

uses: actions/cache@v4
# See here for caching with `yarn` https://github.com/actions/cache/blob/main/examples.md#node---yarn or you can leverage caching with actions/setup-node https://github.com/actions/setup-node
path: |
${{ github.workspace }}/.next/cache
# Generate a new cache whenever packages or source files change.
key: ${{ runner.os }}-nextjs-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}-${{ hashFiles('**/*.js', '**/*.jsx', '**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx') }}
# If source files changed but packages didn't, rebuild from a prior cache.
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-nextjs-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}-

Bitbucket 管道

¥Bitbucket Pipelines

将以下内容添加或合并到顶层的 bitbucket-pipelines.yml 中(与 pipelines 同一级别):

¥Add or merge the following into your bitbucket-pipelines.yml at the top level (same level as pipelines):

nextcache: .next/cache

然后在管道的 stepcaches 部分中引用它:

¥Then reference it in the caches section of your pipeline's step:

- step:
name: your_step_name
- node
- nextcache


使用 Heroku 的 自定义缓存,在顶层 package.json 中添加 cacheDirectories 数组:

¥Using Heroku's custom cache, add a cacheDirectories array in your top-level package.json:

"cacheDirectories": [".next/cache"]

Azure 管道

¥Azure Pipelines

使用 Azure Pipelines 的 缓存任务,将以下任务添加到管道 yaml 文件中执行 next build 的任务之前的某个位置:

¥Using Azure Pipelines' Cache task, add the following task to your pipeline yaml file somewhere prior to the task that executes next build:

- task: Cache@2
displayName: 'Cache .next/cache'
key: next | $(Agent.OS) | yarn.lock
path: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.next/cache'


¥Jenkins (Pipeline)

使用 Jenkins 的 作业缓存器 插件,将以下构建步骤添加到你通常运行 next buildnpm installJenkinsfile 中:

¥Using Jenkins' Job Cacher plugin, add the following build step to your Jenkinsfile where you would normally run next build or npm install:

stage("Restore npm packages") {
steps {
// Writes lock-file to cache based on the GIT_COMMIT hash
writeFile file: "next-lock.cache", text: "$GIT_COMMIT"

cache(caches: [
path: "node_modules",
includes: "**/*",
cacheValidityDecidingFile: "package-lock.json"
]) {
sh "npm install"
stage("Build") {
steps {
// Writes lock-file to cache based on the GIT_COMMIT hash
writeFile file: "next-lock.cache", text: "$GIT_COMMIT"

cache(caches: [
path: ".next/cache",
includes: "**/*",
cacheValidityDecidingFile: "next-lock.cache"
]) {
// aka `next build`
sh "npm run build"