


Next.js 包含应用的 next/babel 预设,其中包括编译 React 应用和服务器端代码所需的所有内容。但如果你想扩展默认的 Babel 配置,也是可以的。

¥Next.js includes the next/babel preset to your app, which includes everything needed to compile React applications and server-side code. But if you want to extend the default Babel configs, it's also possible.


¥Adding Presets and Plugins

首先,你只需在项目的根目录中定义一个 .babelrc 文件(或 babel.config.js)。如果找到这样的文件,它将被视为事实来源,因此它还需要定义 Next.js 需要的内容,即 next/babel 预设。

¥To start, you only need to define a .babelrc file (or babel.config.js) in the root directory of your project. If such a file is found, it will be considered as the source of truth, and therefore it needs to define what Next.js needs as well, which is the next/babel preset.

这是 .babelrc 文件的示例:

¥Here's an example .babelrc file:

"presets": ["next/babel"],
"plugins": []

你可以通过 看看这个文件 了解 next/babel 包含的预设。

¥You can take a look at this file to learn about the presets included by next/babel.


¥To add presets/plugins without configuring them, you can do it this way:

"presets": ["next/babel"],
"plugins": ["@babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions"]


¥Customizing Presets and Plugins

要添加具有自定义配置的预设/插件,请在 next/babel 预设上执行此操作,如下所示:

¥To add presets/plugins with custom configuration, do it on the next/babel preset like so:

"presets": [
"preset-env": {},
"transform-runtime": {},
"styled-jsx": {},
"class-properties": {}
"plugins": []

要了解有关每个配置的可用选项的更多信息,请访问 babel 的 documentation 站点。

¥To learn more about the available options for each config, visit babel's documentation site.


¥Good to know:

  • Next.js 使用 当前 Node.js 版本 进行服务器端编译。

    ¥Next.js uses the current Node.js version for server-side compilations.

  • "preset-env" 上的 modules 选项应保留为 false,否则 webpack 代码分割将被关闭。

    ¥The modules option on "preset-env" should be kept to false, otherwise webpack code splitting is turned off.